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I�ve decided to take an inventory on my definitions of love and the surrounding words related to it. In the dictionary in my head, I�ve come up with the following definitions:

Love: Deep adoration and willingness to do anything for; a want to give time, affection and energy to

Like: A feeling of attraction to someone without knowing the person very well; the initial attraction before any words and/or opinions are expressed or if vague words and/or opinions are expressed

Luv: A feeling of attraction/feelings toward someone after spending some time with them and appreciating the person how they are offhand

Crush: A feeling of likeness for someone after specific words and/or opinions are expressed and after some time is spent with the person; accepting the person overall and developing feelings of love for the person

Fling: A brief point of emotional and/or physical indulgence between two people that is not discussed extensively afterwards

Celebrity: A deep respect and idolization for a person for reasons belonging to spiritual and religious experiences; a mentor through the works of God and his teachings

Best Blood: Anyone who has deep respect and understanding for another person without crossing the line of friendship; a soul mate from another time in which you share similar likes, dislikes, and experiences with

My Beautiful: Someone unattainable but is seemingly perfect and ideal to another person. (This definition is used only when describing Mario before the fall but it could apply to some other people in my past, but this is mainly Mario�s definition)

Hook: An attraction to another person that has no real source and is unexplainable but is real

Glimmer: When the person on the receiving end of someone�s affection seems attainable; some form of hope for the person to receive love from the object of their desire even though the possibility of that is uncertain

(Remember, these are my definitions, not all of them are the conventional definitions that you find in a conventional dictionary)

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