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2009-02-13 - 9:17 a.m.

I dreamed I was in a car with a man who was looking for another man who had some information he needed but would be reluctant to give it to him. We drove around the freeway near an airport and a big storage facility where I saw Saul's dad was the security guard and he was sitting next to a really old lady with heavy make-up. As we were driving we were getting on and off the same freeways and mostly everything was very clean, futuristic, used some glass in it's construction somewhere and white.

All of a sudden I was in front of the computer and people had just come back from a convention and this guy had an AMAZING picture that he took through a window to another person's room. It was two people who were cosplaying Steampunk but more on the Victorian side than the steam and the were kissing on a bed while a person who was dressed like an angel in big life-size wings was pressed into the window drinking and looking at them from the slit in the curtain that was hiding him or her. If I could draw, I would draw that picture, it was spectacular.

Then I didn't know how I got there, but I was sitting in the back of my dad's truck (I think) and I kept chewing something sandy (and I wasn't eating anything) and pieces of my fillings kept coming out, chunks of white filling and some gray silver filling, too. I was concerned but I knew I needed to go to the dentist already. I was telling someone, I forgot who though. (IRL, I don't have any more silver fillings; most of the teeth that had them when I was little got pulled out and any other fillings I got afterward are white to match my teeth.)

Driving: The need or desire to throw all the dreamer's energy into a particular goal; The feeling of having no choice as to how to proceed in a given situation�in short, of being "driven." If the dreamer is not the drive, he should consider who is doing it.

teeth falling out (it's the closest I could get): Anxiety. Teeth are the strongest visible part of the body and therefore if they crumble, decay or come loose, it can imply that our very foundations seem to be crumbling. It can also be seen as losing your smile. Emphasis on decay may show that you feel something important in your life is "dying".

I've had more dreams with my teeth falling out lately.

past rants - future ramblings

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