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2007-09-23 - 8:08 a.m.

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There have been sacrifices made, decisions made final, people cut, events cancelled, parties attended, dates went on, gifts given, dinners eaten, drinks made and consumed, beds slept on, movies watched, sites checked out, links made and investigated, shops rumaged through, and music listened to over and over and over again.

There have been some things bothering me. Some things that have had me at odds. Some things that I'm not sure I should even be involved in anymore. And some things that I can't imagine my life without anymore. And maybe I still need to clean up and take out and put in things from my life, and everything's a mess right now, but I hope to rectify this soon. It's amazing how everything has changed so much within this last month's time.

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Now I'm going to clear my mind after 15 months of working my tail off and I can't wait to go! I'll miss you all and shall tell you of my harrowing adventures when I return! :p LOL *SMILES* See y'all soon!


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xoxo, mErci

past rants - future ramblings

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