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2005-11-21 - 2:14 a.m.

Yay! So David invited me to a gig. :p We picked up a six pack of Coronas and made our way there. When we got there I ran into Albert, Jer, Jordan and Lil' Luis right away. Jordan asked David to buy him beer and they came back with a freakin' truckload!!! It didn't take long for everyone to get drunk. 'Cept for me. I'm the designated driver. :D I'm oh-so cool! :p T'was a fun gig except it got broken up really quickly. Boo! By the end of it, someone from the pit crashed into me and David "accidentally" spilled beer on my left shoe. I think he was trying to test the absorbancy of my shoe!!!

So me, David and Sauce (Albert) went to Alfredo's for some Carne Asada Fries. yum! We talked at length (well, Sauce did mostly. He was quite drunk, you see). We dropped Mr. David off at his casa (I DIDN'T WANT TO LEAVE!!!!NOOOOOOO!!!!) and Mr. Saucey and I walked to my house and had a very lovely and long conversation about everything and anything. I liked that. :D Fun.

After I got home, I gave Sauce I ride home in my van. Then Mr. Red (Dwayne) called me and said for me to get my ass over to his house so that me, him, Miguel and STEVE (!) could hang out. :D YAY! So I hung out with them and I got to spend time with Steve (*sigh* i missed him sooooo!) until around 7 am. I went to go visit Ash's parents and pay respects and whatnot.
Went to church and afterwards talked to Luis. He's oh-so cool. I love hanging out with that guy. :D yay! I had a present to give Jackie but I couldn't find her after mass. :( I'll give it to her next time.

Funny shit: when I was leaving to go to Dwayne's house, I totally tripped on a duffle bag that was in front of my door and ate shit skidding across the rug! BOOOOO!

Now, the pics!: The theme was "So many middle fingers!"

This one was in my room. David gives me a psycho look and gives me sign language!

Awe, it's me and Sauce! Take a picture!

Sauce tells the camera man that he's numero uno!!!

So nice, he did it twice! LOL he looks like he's in the witness protection program!

Jer and Lil' Luis! I think they're trying to say, "Rock and Roll wants to Fuck You" :p

Who are these scaaarrryy bandits?!

Jer and Lil' Luis take Sandra as a hostage!!!

Jerry tries to hide Sauce's identity behind his finger while Jordan laughs it off with his cuz Marlene

Hey, hey, the gang's all here! And they're PISS DRUNK!
(Left to right-Jerry, Albert, Jordan [give that boy something to bite on!], Lil' Luis, Claudia, Marlene, and Andrew [I think that's his name...])

Lil' Luis shows off how he handles his shit while Jerry mocks him secretly. Well...not so secret now!

"Catch me, Merci, I'm falling!"

David gives me his best angry face! Strangely arousing...
(And if you look really hard in the background, you can see Xavier doing something or other...)

And of course, at the end of the even, the reel of the moment!!!

A Typical BP Punk Gig
mosh pits.beer.music.hawks.drama.more beer.

I have a headache now. :p hehehe! More drugs for me, please!!!

Oh, yeah, and there's this:

Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

If any of you guys saw the last Family Guy episode, you'll understand. :D

I don't want to go into the mosh pit! I WANT TO LIVE!!!

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