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2005-11-08 - 10:12 p.m.

I went to the doctor today because I found a lump on my breast the other day and it freaked me out because cancer runs in my family. The doctor said that it's nothing, but it was a good thing that I came in to check. :)

During the exam, they weighed me and I actually LOST 13 POUNDS!!! I can't believe it! I have felt fatter than ever and thinking about how much I need to loose weight and I've lost weight!!! I don't feel like I look different, but there it is on the scale. :p But now that I think about it, my pants have been a little baggier and I've had to tighten my belt a little tighter than usual. Good times.

Mom let me borrow the car to the mall so I can look for a job. The only application I put in, though, was for the Sanrio Surprises. :P I'll be in kitty heaven if that happens!

That's all for now. :p Thank you for your prayers and good vibes. :)


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