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2006-03-15 - 12:28 a.m.

Body: 100 "have you ever"s answer these as truthful as possible but if your taken be careful =) just plead the fifth ;)

1. Made out for more than 3 minutes?

2. Slept in a different bed?

3. Made out in a movie theatre?

4. Made out with 2 different people in one night?

5. Thought your cousin was hot?
yes, my cousins are so freakin' attractive :p

6. Been in love?

7. Slept?
what kind of question is that??? Duh!!! Yes!

8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex?

9. Gone over the speed limit?
I have a freakin' lead foot!!

10. Painted your room?
no, but I have had my room painted and I draw all over my walls

11. Drove a car?
yep yep, all the time :p

12. Danced in front of your mirror?
yes, especially when I was in drill team back in the day

13. Gotten a hickey?
Yes, I kinda have one now :p

14. Been dumped?
Not really

15. Stole money from a friend?
yeah, but she deserved it...bitch...

16. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
yeah. a few times with people that I didn't even know. :p I live dangerously

17. Been in a fist fight?
no, don't plan to, either

18. Snuck out of your house?
YES!!! Gotten in trouble plenty for that

19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
yes, all the time. I'm always the victim of unrequited love

20. Been arrested?

21. Made out with a stranger?
yes, but they wern't too strange, I assure you :p

22. Left your house with out telling your parents?
See number 18 :p

23. Had a crush on your neighbor?
yeah, my old neighbor Edgar, like, the entire 7th and 8th grade

24. Ditched school to do something more fun?
Yes...like my boyfriend at the time...

25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex ?

26. Seen someone die?

27. Been on a plane?
no, too scared!!!!

28. Kissed a picture?
yes...hehe, I'm so dorky!

29. Slept in until 3?
yeah, I used to sleep in all the time until 2 or 3

30. Love someone or miss someone right now?
Love=Everyone!!! Especially my Mike <3
Miss= Jaime C. sooo much! and Ashwar R.I.P. hun

31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
yeah, man, those drugs won't let you move after a while...:p

32. Made a snow angel?
No, and it's been AGES since I've been in the snow

33. Played dress up?
It was my favorite thing to do when I was little, it's my favoirte thing to do now!!!

34. Cheated while playing a game?
hehe, yeah, I used to cheat in Candyland all the time :p

35. Been lonely?
OMG, yes!!

36. Fallen asleep at work/school

37. Been to a club?
Yeah yEAH!!!!

38. Felt an earthquake?
ohhhhh yeah!!!

39. Touched a snake?
yeah, my aunt used to have a little snake, it was cute

40. Ran a red light?
like, once or twice, I try not to make it a habit

41. Been suspended from school?
nope :p

42. Had detention..
yeah, my mom has my very first detention framed!

43. Been in a car?
what is this, the turn of the century? yeah!

44. hated the way you look?
completely, especially in junior high...

45. Witnessed a crime?

46. Been lost?
physically: yes, I got lost at Sea World once LMAO, they locked down the entire park
emotionally: YES

47. Been to the opposite side of the country?
no, but I do hope to be someday

48. Felt like dying from embarrassment?

49. Cried yourself to sleep?
yes :'( I still do sometimes

50. Sang karaoke?
hehe, hell yeah! I love kareoke!!

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
all the time

52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
only twice, that hurts!!!

53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
no, but I must one day

54. Kissed in the rain?

55. Sung in the shower?
I always do! the acoustics are wonderful!

56. Had a dream that you married someone?
Yeah, that was crazy!

57. played getting married?
yes, that was fun!

58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
yeah, them staples is a BITCH to get out!!! LOL, no!

59. Ever gone to school partially nude?
showing up in nothing but a see-through dress? yeah, pretty much

60. Been a ?
been a question? I don't think so

61. Sat on a roof top?

62. Didn't take a shower for a week?
yeah, man, did I SMELL!

63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
yes, I've always been like that, I've been brave lately though

64. Played chicken?
yes, against my will!!!

65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
yes! Thanks a lot, Henry and Mirna!!!!

66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
hehe, yeah, it's flattering

67. Broken a bone?

68. Been easily amused?
I'm always easily amused! Whhheee, lookit me typing!!!

69. Laugh so hard you cry?
with Tonzy and Spam!!! all the time!

70. Cheated on a test?
yeah, I got caught sick-like when I was in the 2nd grade

71. Forgotten someone's name?
yes, curse me and my stoner memory

72. Blacked out from drinking?
not really...have I?...hmmm...

73. Played a prank on someone?
kind of

74. Gone to a late night movie?
yeah :)

75. Made love to anything not human?
ohhhyeah...the dog and the cat are soo hot....*ick*

76. Failed a class?
yeah, a few times

77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?
heheh, my mind is so fucking dirty about this question!!!

78. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
Hmmm...no, but it FELT like 10 hours!!!!

79. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?

80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
yes! it's my seconds favorite holiday! I get to BURN things!!!

81. Thrown strange objects?
is my cat considered a strange object?

82. Felt like someone?
yeah, kinda

83. Thought about running away?
yeah, especially when I was younger

84. Ran away?
yeah, but to my boyfriend at the time's house

85. Had detention and not attend it?
yeah, no biggie

86. Made parents cry?

87. Cried over someone?
YES, I still do

88. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
hehe, yeah, I used to have a rainbow assortment of them

89. Dated someone more than once?

90. Have a dog?
I've had dogs since before I was born. :p

91. Own an instrument?
yeah; clarinet, keyboard, bass, recorder, flute, drum pad, guitar

92. Been in a band?
marching band and a band with my ex called Sedition

93. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
probably :p

94. Broken a cd?
yes! my Portishead CD and my Cold CD!

95. Shot a gun?

96. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours?
OMG, yes! :p

98. Have a major crush on someone right now?
yes...<3 you know who you are ;)

99. Have a religion?

100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral?
Yes, a lot actually since it's going to be soon

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