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2007-01-01 - 9:54 p.m.

OMG, this was the cooliest New YEars Eve/New Years EVER!!!! Tako was my hawt sweet date for the last two days. He picked me up in his sweet ride and we went to Dwayne's house for the party. We drank the jager pretty quick and it was all drunken fun from there. From the awesome kick ass band that played to the new kick ass people, the drunken people, the wild and crazy times in the rooms and the morning trip to walmart for totino's pizza rolls and bagel bites for breakfast, it was a blast!!! I got to sleep next to Tako a few times, awe <3 And there was a cool bbq this afternoon and Thumper tried to set me on fire, after which all the kiddies played football and Steve got really hurt and Tako got punched accidently in the lip but hey! that's the name of the game. (I am worried about STeve...)

Thanks so much to the band, Dwayne, Steve, Toad (aka Thumper), Mike, Rosio, Julie, Mayra, Brian, Yana, Anthony, Chris, Sarah, and of COURSE, Mr. Tako for making my New Years/New Year's Eve 2007 FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!! It was something never to be forgotten!!!! OI!

Tako pics, of course:
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we were so tired. :p

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Taken with me cell phone cam. I likey this picture. :)

Awe. :) This year's gonna be swell!!! :D I do declare!!!!


A new year means you can put the past behind you and make all new mistakes

past rants - future ramblings

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