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2008-08-13 - 6:20 p.m.

So I was a door greeter this morning and the guy who's been kinda friendly with me came in and talked with me for a while. I did not know this but he's in ROP!!!! LOL He said he's supposed to be a senior in high school but he had to repeat his junior year. Oi. He's nice enough, but I thought he was at least 20. I don't do that sort of thing. But I still like talking to him.

I'm going to be crazy busy tomorrow. Typing test at 8am, work at 10:30am, job search with Lisa at 3am, rest, meet up with Armando and friends at 10pm at the bar. SHIT!!!! I'll probably have to omit the last one if not the last two. I really do need to look for a job though.

Then tomorrow I'm gonna go see Tropic Thunder with Luis aka Squee. I haven't seen him since...shit...I can't remember! I really can't! >.< Boo on me.

I still have 3 seats to fill my car up with for the Getty adventure. :) Tell me if you wanna come!!!!

Well, I got the Ikea catalog to look through. Fun times tonight LOL and I'm going to jump in the pool in a while! I need the exercise.


"I can't stand Mexicans."
"Oh, well, go fuck yourself then."

past rants - future ramblings

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