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2005-11-16 - 4:39 a.m.

OooOOOohhH! I was soooo MAD today!!! I went to the Marinello School of Beauty to get my hair cut with my moomy. They're having a deal right now; any haircut for only $0.25!!! What a deal! So I went and they gave me this older looking chick to cut my hair. They're students so I understand that they kinda sorta don't know what they're doing, but what happen was ridiculous! I wanted the back of my hair shaved and my hair relayered. Nothing outragous or impossible to do, right? WRONG!!!

This chick spent HALF AN HOUR (I kid you not!) pinning up my hair so that she could perfectly shave the back of my hair! It usually takes no more than 30 seconds! Then, unbelievable, she spent 2 HOURS, FROM 6 TO 8 PM, CUTTING LAYERS INTO MY HAIR!!! METICULOUSLY, OBSESSIVLY CUTTING LAYERS INTO MY HAIR!!! OMG!!! I was trying to hold back spasms and tears from my frustration!!! GRRRR!!! The term "you get what you pay for" comes into mind, but come on!!! She took FOREVER!!! I was super pissed and frustrated.

What made me even MORE pissed is afterwards, she told me, "Sorry, layers are really hard for me!" ARGH!!! I TOLD YOU I WANTED LAYERS FROM THE BEGGINING!!! RRRAAARRRR!!!

Then me and mom went to eat and Amelindy called me and asked me to pick her and Mark up from the bus stop around 10 because they had missed the train to BP from Hollywood and needed a ride home. Mom and I waited until 10 to get to the stop and she COMPLAINED the whole time about EVERYTHING!!! "vicky, stop shaking your leg. Vicky, change the radio station. Vicky, change the station. Vicky, change the station." I finally told her, "Why don't you change the damn station?" and she said, "Cuz I don't reach!!" She was being cute, but I wasn't in the mood. Finally, mom got tired of waiting and I had to leave. On the way, she was still bitching about the station, so I just turned off the radio. I was proud of myself that I wasn't driving like a madwoman like I usually do when I'm pissed. I love my moomy, but I was just completely irrate.

After everyone was alseep, Amelindy called and told me to pick her up around 11:45, so I took the van and picked them up. They were at Universal City. They almost met Mariah Carey! :p Kay-Razy! After that, I went to Thomas's house to take my anger out on him. LOL I beat him up good. :p

I've just talked to Mr. Red, he says Mr. Steve may come around tomorry. EEEEHHHH!!!! If he does, I'm so friggin happy! I wuv my dork! I havn't seen in since the Robot's Rising gig! Awwweee!!! Wuv! <3 I've been thinking about him lately. I miss him so. *-sigh-*

Anyways, I'd better go to sleep now if I hope to want to wake up so I can see Steve. :D Good freakin' times, man. Good freakin' times. Wasn't so good before, but it's getting better now. I'm much more calmed down now. :D

I am the sleepy kitty now. ZzzZZzzZzzzz X.X


Two weasels are sitting on a bar stool. One starts to insult the other one. He screams, 'I slept with your mother!' The bar gets quiet as everyone listens to see what the other weasel will do. The first again yells, 'I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!' The other weasel says: 'Go home dad, you're drunk.''

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