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2005-11-15 - 4:26 p.m.

1. How tall are you? 5'3", though 5'7" with my platforms 2. Have you ever smoked heroin? Smoked it? no...*ahem* 3. Do you own a gun? nope, and I can't until I'm 21...there was some..."unplesantness"... 4. Rehab? No, I've been in a mental hospital with rehab patients, though 5. Would you ever "do" someone in their parents bed? Already have, thanks. 6. What do you think of hot dogs? Only Hebrew National hot dogs! Those taste the best! 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? "So This is Christmas" by John Lennon and Yoko Ono (I *dispise* X-mas music) 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Cranberry juice and vodka. LOL just the juice 9. Do you do push-ups? Hell no! 10. Have you ever done ecstasy? Yeah, I was sooo freakin' messed up! 11. Are you vegan? I tried to be one summer, but it didn't work because I like cheese too much. :p 12. Do you like painkillers? I LOVE them! They're my little drops of heaven! 13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? My boobs. And my flirty-ness. 14. Do you own a knife? Yeah! It's a pretty little butterfly knife my bro gave me! 15. Do you have A.D.D.? My bro does! 16. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? I heard it's pretty euphoric. I do want a couple later on. Top 5 Thoughts At This Exact Moment: 1. I love Armando soooo much, I think I'll call him tonight 2. That was a weird dream I had about Ernesto last night, I should call him, too 3. Who's comming with me to Club Violator? 4. Man, I need a shower. Ech! 5. I get my hair cut today! Name the Last 5 Things You Have Bought: (recently) 1. bath gel 2. A bum lunch (a cheeseburger and onion rings to be exact) 3. Sam lunch @ In 'n' Out 4. _______ lunch @ Jack in the Box 5. late night dinner after Club Make-Out (((man, I've got to stop spending my money on food))) Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: 1. water with ice!!! 2. juice 3. soda 4. cranberry juice with Vodka 5. Bacardi Raz 5 bands / artist in your CD player, iPod, or mp3: 1. Oslo 2. Birthday Massacre 3. Metric 4. Marilyn Manson 5. Noe Venable 18. What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 1:30 pm I'm such a bum! 19. Current Hair? messy!!! it's like, standing on end! 20. Current Worry? Who's going to Club Violator w/ me and how are we gonna get there 21. Current Hate? hate? no...loathe...the fact that I don't have a car!!!! Damn it! 22. Favorite Place To Be? out and about with my party peeps! 23. Least Favorite Place? anywhere I feel trapped in 24. Where Would You Like To Go? hang out with some special people, particularly three in mind ;) 25. What do you wear when you go to sleep? usually a band shirt with sweats or shorts 26. What were you doing 12AM last night? hanging out with Thomas watching ET or something 27. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? I think I'll be in my own home, doing my own business (something with graphic manipulation or make-up artistry with a morgue) and still involved in music and art 28. Do you burn or tan? I usual tan, I only get lightly burned 29. Last thing you ate? malibu chicken and fudge cake 30. Would you be a pirate? Yar, that would be not the life for me, harty! maybe a wench better :p 31. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? Movie Night, a couple of weeks ago 32. What songs do you sing in the shower? mostly opera or church songs, since the acoustics sound so cool! 33. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? the guy who used to take care of me 34. What's in your pockets right now? a hole 36. Last thing that made you laugh? A joke I read of this awesome website!!! (http://www.anomalies-unlimited.com/) 37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? Bernstain Bears because it was like an activity rug! 38. Do you like your teeth? No, I have two wisdom teeth growing out and messing up my teeth. I will NOT have braces again! I always have problems with my teeth. ;( 39. Worst injury you've ever had? when my heart was broken LOL seriously, when my kidneys shut down on me because of a infection 40. What are your dreams like? really fun and happy most of the time, but the nightmares are horrible 41. How many TV's do you have in your house? 5, 6 if you count the one in the garage 42. Who is your loudest friend? Amelindy, Torta, and Vane` 43. Who is your most silent friend? hmm...don't really have any. 44. Does someone have a crush on you? Probably, anything is possible. I sure as hell have crushes on other people!!! 45. Do you wish on stars? hehe, yeah, I used to hardcore when I was little. And for the same thing. And you know the crazy thing? SO FAR IT'S COME TRUE!!!! 46. What is your favorite book? hmm...dunno, I have a lot of faves. Probably JTHM and Tales frome the Dark Tower 47. What is your favorite candy? Lint Lindor Truffles!!!! 48. Do you secretly like someone? I don't keep my adoration for someone a secret!!!! They know who they are!!! 49. What song do you want played at your wedding? When I walk down the isle, I want Bittersweet Symphony to play!!! 50. What song do you want played at your funeral? either Opium by Marcy's Playground (I'm in heaven, yeah heaven...), Andagio for Strings (Barber) or Pavane` (Faure`) 51. What do you think of the person who did this survey before you? I've only met (Aimee) once before, but she's a cutie and a cool gal!!!

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