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2007-02-21 - 4:31 p.m.

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It's Ash Wednesday Everybody

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I went to church before work. A lot of people were a little puzzled by my ashes, then they were like, 'Oh, it's Ash Wednesday!' I felt like an awareness bulliten. Reminding people of something good for a change. LOL Saw a lot of fellow Catholics today with their ashes. And ate popcorn shrimp! Yummy!!!! This Friday I might make shrimp alfredo!!!

I've decided to give up being impatient with people and letting things happen at their own pace because lately I've noticed I've been very impatient with people and that causes me to make snap judgements about them in my head and I don't want to do that anymore, so what better way to start than Lent? Yeah.

Diego came in my line today, he was buying pants for his first day back at work, we chatted for a bit. I saw Carlos, too, first time in two weeks I think! Mike approached me today and talked to me as I was leaving about his CSM interview, how he doesn't think he got it cuz there's like 22 other people applying for it. I told him happy early birthday cuz it's his birthday tomorrow. Joked around with him and Diego before I left work. Those crazy jarheads. :p Vince talked to me today, too, when I was on self-checkouts and as I was leaving in the parking lot. T'was crazy.

Tomorrow's payday! Hopefully I get to see James tomorrow!!!! <3 He kicks much ass. :p And I can pay my insurance and car payment tomorrow. Bah. March 1st is when we're getting our bonuses, I can't wait!!! Less than a week away. This Friday is a cashier's meeting at 11pm. Woo.

BTW, I never noticed how much ass Mars Volta kicks!!! :p yeah

So, It's Ash Wednesday everybody! Remember the meaning behind it and live it out.


oh, no! I burned my cheese samich!

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