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2006-04-05 - 9:16 p.m.

The Bad Shit

My bro is in the mental hospital because he didn't want to go to school, so he told my dad he was depressed and PRESTO! he goes to the hospital! Dumbass. Now he wants to leave???? That's just STUPID!!! He ruined my week this week and now my mom is completely stressed and upset because my bro is blaming everything on her and my dad isn't being comforting or understanding.

Two of my looser ex-boyfriends got thier girlfriends pregnant. Dunno why that's so shocking, just thought I'd like to share because it's on my mind on how stupid some guys and girls can be. Stupidity is a very powerful thing. Not to say that I havn't been stupid in the past, but at least I learn from other people's mistakes. (including my own) You would think in this day and age b..l..a..h....b..l..a..h.. Yeah whatever grrrr

The Good Shit

Mike wants to take me away for the weekend to LAUGHLIN, NEVADA!!! with his family. I'm so excited! I totally want to go! I just need to tell my dad that I'm going. If he forbids me from going, I'm going to be uber-pissed. I want to leave for a while, I've been WANTING to leave!!!! C'mon!!!! I want to get away from the house and get a change of scenery.

Albert's b-day kegger is going to be this Saturday. His real b-day was yesterday. yay! *mauh* Happy Birthday, hun!!! I may go, just for a little while if anything, just to tell him happy birthday. I don't want to go and stay because there might be some people that want to start shit with me and I don't want to ruin Alberts good time. I luv him a lot.

I heard from Steve this week! yay! He e-mailed me via myspace, which is unheard of because he doesn't have internet!!! hehe! He's really cool and I miss talking with that guy. He's so dorky. hehe!!! Hopefully I get to hang out with him soon.

Mike really really loves me and I love him very very much!!! We talk so much and we are completely open about whatever is on our minds. He is in my heart and I love him so very much. I would hate to have him out of my life. He is in a special place in my heart. *love* It's going on 3 months, but it feels like I've known him for so much longer because I'm so comfortable with him. :) He got a rental car (because his car is getting fixed), a Nissan Altima and it's really really shiny and pretty!!! :p heheh!!! And the CD player works in it, so he's listening to his CDs again. :D

Me and David are going to see Carlos (aka God Under Manson) next Friday!!! WooT wOOt!!! I've been waiting since forever to see him! :) I'm really happy that we'll be hanging out! We're going to the Montebello Mall. :)

Whatever Shit

hmm...nothing much of whatever. I guess I'm whatever right now. :p Oh, I am seriously contemplaiting getting my nose peirced. What do you think?

Oh and I dyed my hair rubine red again. Fun.

I want to learn how to growl/scream sing.

I was worried about Hector the other day but he's OK. I'm glad for that.

I'm going to my friend Carlos's house tomorrow. (a different Carlos, not on myspace) woo.

I have jury duty on the 11th. BOOO!

I'm going to be taking new pictures soon. I don't know what the theme is yet. I'll figure it out as it's comming along.

There's still a vacancy for space 13 on my top 16. I'm telling you, if you want to be number 13, you need to BUG me about it!!! hehe!!!

New Video on my Myspace pics/vids: Pikachu singing the song Bitches from Mindless Self Indulgenfce. Even if you are not familiar with MSI, totally check it out!!! :D It's hella funny!

That's about it.

Outside, Inside,
This is the moon without a tide,
We'll build a fire in your eyes,
We'll build a fire when the cover's getting brighter,
Cold desire makes the moon without a tide

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