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2008-11-08 - 11:28 p.m.

Today started odd enough but I was happy because I was going to see my babe today. My cat decided he wanted to drink from my cup of water so he spilled water all over my keyboard. It was fine until the space bar started freaking out and wouldn't work. Then it wouldn't STOP working! Then it DIED altogether!!! All this while I was talking to Tak on aim telling him how I found the glasses he lost in, like, January? O.O We looked EVERYWHERE and I found them under my bed!

I went to the thrift store to pick up a new one, they had a 2 day return policy and it was only $3 so no biggie. I picked up the mail and when I came home dad checked the fluid levels on my car. We then went to Rite Aid to pick up medicine for my mom. After I came home I found that the plugs weren't compatible for the new keyboard so I returned it for a red tie since there weren't any other kinds that would work. I went to Walmart and got a really nice ergonomic spill-resistant one for $20 instead of the $47 that was advertised! Mike called me, asked why I don't call anymore, this and that. He might hang tomorrow.

After I got ready, I picked up Saul's mom, dad, and brothers. We dropped the brothers off at Ontario Mills and we went on to San Bernardino to visit Saul. Despite me being half an hour late we got there 45 minutes early. And despite my horrible driving, we made it in one piece, it was white-knuckle stress all the way there cos I thought we'd be late. I prayed to God that this wouldn't be another failure on my behalf and thanked Him when we got there.

We got in, found our booth and waited for him to come out. I was first to talk to him. I was near tears as it was and I saw him there across the way, glass and bars between us, talking on a phone...uhhh...he was being goofy and stuff. He asked me if any guys where bothering me, I told him not much anymore, and that I changed my status on myspace and started wearing a ring on my right hand to ward off guys. Seeing him was heartbreaking but I was so glad to finally see my babe. When I saw him it was like he hadn't changed and everything was fine but I knew it wasn't because he wasn't coming home with me and he wasn't going to be next to me and I couldn't kiss him. He said if he could he would kiss me. His parents talked to him and then we left. His mom was crying but we where glad to see him.

After the visit, we picked up his brothers at Ontario Mills, we all made fun of how everyone was speaking English on my part :p and thought of a place to eat since we were hungry. Out of the question: Carl's Jr, McDonald's, KFC, Wienerschnizle, and Taco Bell. :p We settled on Shakey's. It was really good, we all talked and interacted, joked around and such. The brothers said it was weird seeing their parents sitting together again. It was so weird that everyone was together because of Saul but Saul wasn't there. I was really blessed that Saul's dad included me in all of this, that he trusts me to help him and that I can help him. I'm really thankful for his wonderful family for already considering me like part of it. Saul has a beautiful family and I'm glad I get to help them and him. I can't wait for him to be out here with us...I can't wait for him to be here next to me, being silly, proofreading my blogs and looking at me with his eyes.

And funny thing at the Circle K happened to me: I felt a really strong feeling to buy scratchers. So I bought 2: the first one won nothing, the second one got me $3! I bought one more that got me a free ticket...one more got me a free ticket...one more got me a free ticket...one more got me a free ticket...one more and I lost finally! The guy knows me there so he was laughing cos I always win at least once and I always win when the lesbian chick works there. :p

I'm glad to be home now. I don't know what's going to happen but seeing Saul was conflicting; I'm glad I was there for him to see him but it makes me want him back so much more. I don't want him under glass, I want his hand in mine, his face in front of mine. I'll wait for that day to come patiently and pray with all my heart that I not count the days that pass but wait for all our hard work to come back to us. <3


"I think you get confused sometimes"

past rants - future ramblings

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