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2007-04-01 - 10:06 p.m.

Friday I came home, chilled for a bit and went off to see Tako after my dad made me do a few things. Blah. Plus I was bummed when I left because my computer got infected with viruses :( BOOO!!! Fuckers. Met up with Tako in VV, ran some errands before settling down for the night. I got COMPLETELY smashed, a half a bottle of Malibu will do that to me. OMG, I was GONE, I didn't realize how much I drank. LOLs It was so much fun though, talking to Tako while I was drunk. :D I smile. I don't know when i passed out but when I woke up it was 4am, and I was like, uhhh, a lot a bit feeling the booze still so I turned out all the lights and went back to sleep.

I called out of work, I was only going to work for 4 hours n e ways, no big deal. :p Chilled at his house, I met his stepdad and talked with his sister, I helped her out with the laundry, she showed me Tako's baby book. heheh, I don't think he liked that very much. :p We were going to eat at this sushi place, but they were closed so we went to this hawaiin bbq place, had a crappy burger, went to a skateboard shop called Pharmacy Board Shop. Saw some interesting sticker art, hehe, went to the mall, saw one of Tako's friends at the Hot Topic that likes MSI, I showed him my ticket with their autograph on it. Tako bought me a new corset from Torrid, awe!!!! :p The love. Rounding out the afternoon, a trip to the tattoo shop where I *was* going to get my keyhole tattoos but the artists were booked up, no biggie. Tako got the other side of his snakebite done, hooray!

I came back to town around 8pm, would have been there sooner had I not gotten lost in Glendora looking for the damn Wal*Mart up there!!!! >.< Went to the market, got some liquor and hot dogs for Dwayne, when I got there, everyone else was going to a different party. Boo! I had to leave too cuz someone needed my help, on the way there, the told me never mind, ak! But then Tako called me and said he was on his way, so I came home and waited for him and fixed my computer. Yay! He came a bit after midnight and we talked for a while before we both passed out cuz he'd been sick all week long and I was just damn tired! Snuck onto the couch around 5:15am to please dad, he doesn't want us sleeping in the same bed, there's soooo much we can do before that though. :p LOL

Snuck back in the room at 9, slept until 12, then we talked and joked around some more until he had to go. He says that I treat him too nice, whatevers, I don't think I do. Blah. I loved seeing him this weeked, I was so looking forward to being with him after a straight week of no communication. I'm still learning more about him and I love him so much and I can feel how much he truley loves me, too. It's such a good feeling to know that. He makes me feel so happy. :) I'm glad I make him happy, too. I told him how I was afraid that he would feel differently about me after this week, that maybe he would stop feeling for me, but he told me if I left with his love, I would still have his love when I came back. Awe...<3

So now I came back from church, it was Palm Sunday today, :D Yay! I *LOVE* Palm Sunday, it started outside and Father John blessed our palms and in the background the Passion of the Christ soundtrack was playing there was a precession into the church, and a great. I have a tradition where I make the blessed palm into a cross and put it my mom's car and now I have my own car I put my palm in! yay! We ate at Pepe's (yummy burritto!) and went to Target because I really want some camoflauge trunks to swim in (with a top, pervs) but they didn't have any so I got a really neat looking heart shirt instead. (What's up with me and hearts lately???)

Now I'm home, some guy called me looking for Tako cuz he needs to go to work!!! oi! :p I'm feeling a little flemmy, but I have my Zicam :D Yay Zicam! Photoshoot with Amelindy tomorrow after I dye my hair. :D woot!


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Rarw!!! :p

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Tako said this is a good pic of me. I don't think so. What do you think?

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I look hung over still, Tako looks like a duck! awe!!!

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yo, up here!!!

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crazy angle picture, yeah!!!

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awwwweeeeee, MUAH!!!!

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At Torrid in the dressing room in my new corset, hawt right?

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wow, my eyes look so wet!! SXE, right?

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u likey? :p

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Pharmacry Board Shop sticker art, I love it so! Sticker art rocks!!!

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this sticker caught my attention the most, yikes :p

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yay! snakebite!!! (he got the left one done, tis a bit poofy

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I look ready to party, right? :D Love my hair right now :D

Meow. :D

I wanna see The Reaping. :)


your smile's the biggest disguise to allude me

past rants - future ramblings

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