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2006-03-01 - 1:03 a.m.

Today was sooo much drama! I went to the doctor and they screwed up my order! There was stuff going on between me and Mike because of fucking Vidal and my little bro. Some of that's fixed already. My dad is being a complete prick to my mom and he was yelling at her for OFFERING HIM FOOD!!! OMG, WTF???? Mom and I tried to get away from the drama at home only to find some at the gas station; there was a shouting/fistfight between two dudes who were having a fight over money. FUCK! Then I had to pick up something from my retard's house (which was a good thing; he gave me back my guitar pick necklace that I thought I had lost! yay! I smile!) and I thought it would take a little bit of time, but then the gears on my mom's car totally wouldn't work (again!!!!!! and my dad is so selfish, he refuses to fix the gears because it's not his car) and I had to call my dad to fix it and pick me up. And I was the pain in his ass because I called him during CSI (and by the way, he was TAPING the fucking show!!! I don't know why he was all butthurt) If he had just fixed the part once and for all he wouldn't have to keep comming out to different places and fixing it over and over agin. And then later on I had to return the Season 2 Invader Zim DVDs from Hollywood Video because they fucked up and put a season 1 disk in by accident and when I got there, they didn't have the right disks!!! And my dad found out that I took the van and got PISSED and tried to look for me!!! (where would he start to look for me??? Dumbass!!!) and he took my car keys away from me! FUCK! No more keys for me!!! And Albert called me and he wanted to be picked up cuz stuff was happening at his house but I didn't have the car keys anymore so I couldn't pick him up!!!! DAMN!!!!

All of this can be chalked up to me having an irregular period this month. Fun. I'm usually very emotional/suicidally depressed during my period. Grrrr.....XxXSkULLs/CrOssBoNesXxX The only good thing about today was that I got to spend a lot of time with my babe, Mike, and we got a lot of things done. I love him so much. He's my brightest star in my smog-filled sky. I love him very very much. He is my heart. *mew* He is my safe place.

I'm going to sleep now. I have Ash Wednesday to go to tomorrow. Don't forget your ashes!!!! :D

xoxo, MErcades

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