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2006-03-02 - 11:11 a.m.

1. You're Infected. Your Top 8 has the cure. One must die. Choose?:
Good thing I have a top 16! Gonna have to say David because he'd kill me, too. :p

2. What Myspace friend knows the REAL you best?:
Le Tonzy

3. Describe a typical Monday for you?:
wake up anywhere between 8:30-10:30, make dinner, do other chores, go out with Mike until either I have to go or he has to leave somewhere, talk to my friends, go online, look for a job, gather info for going to school, talk to my mom, talk to mike/see mike before I go to sleep, sleep, have an anxiety attack, go back to sleep

4. Any odd routines you follow when you wake up?
I find the dog and punch her. LOL no

5. If alcohol was banned worldwide, what would your reaction be?
WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY???? I'd probably hoard a lot of it or find a speakeasy

6. When was the last time you cried?
Hardcore crying/screaming/wailing: Two nights ago

7. Your CD collection is going to be reposessed. You may keep one. Name it?:
FUCK!!! Hmm...probably my Ronny North CD LMAO, only because Mike signed it for me...umm...I can buy all my CDs back, so they can take 'em all

8. Do you believe world peace is possible?:
only when we're all dead

9. I'm a genie. Name your wish (Money and Love cannot be granted)?:
everytime I snap my fingers, say something, and snap my fingers again, whatever I said/asked for will come true. (found a loophole through that one!)

10. Name one thing about the OPPOSITE sex that automatically turns you off?:
complete disinterest/immaturity

12. Speaking of SAME sex, what do you think of Brokeback Mountain?:
wanna see it, but I'm in no hurry

13. What popular phrase do you find to be incredibly annoying?:
boo-ya! and skeet skeet skeet

14. Regarding sexual needs, do you let a person know what you want?:

15. Leatherface is in the kitchen. Will you fight to victory, or hide?
fall to the floor laughing because that's my automatic response to something utterly terrifying

16. Do you feel that people underestimate you?
No, I think they overestimate me seriously

17. Was it just me, or did Mariah lipsync half her performance at the Grammys?

18. Honestly, do you talk about Myspace in real life?

19. Have you met someone online in person?
Yes, I used to meet people online in person all the time, even before myspace. I met Mike (my boyfriend) on Myspace :)

20.When it comes to cybersex, are you game? Or do you steer clear?:
no, what's the point???

21. Do you believe minimum wage should be raised?

22. If someone at a bar gives you "the look" how do you respond to it?:
give then a look back because I'm a fucking tease

23. Desperation happens. Do you take advantage of desperate people?
I'm usually the one taken advantage of when I'm desperate

24. You're 15 deep in beers. Describe what you would be doing now?
telling the floor how much I love it and trying to trip anyone who passed by so I can do the same

25. Sometimes people get depressed. Are you the one they turn to? Why?
Yes because I listen and I know what that's like I suppose

26. Describe your "style"?
rock/goth/punk/casual/girly/slutty/rockabilly/glam....I'm a bit of a hodgepodge :p

27. Describe what your "type" is?
anyone I can make conversation with, that I don't get a bad vibe from right away, and someone who knows their shit and sticks to it.

28. Love and Sex go together. Would you have sex if no love was involved?
I have had sex with no love before, but there was definetly some level of emotion involved. I wouldn't do it again though

29. Does everyone in your life know the real you?
Yes, especially if you've seen me drunk LOL yeah I'm pretty much myself all the time or I try to be

30. What is something you're afraid of (Be more creative than "Snakes")?:
The North American Grizzly Bear. :p Seriously,
Dying before I have the chance to say my peace and goodbyes to everyone I love

past rants - future ramblings

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