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2009-02-12 - 10:35 a.m.

*sigh* My dreams are getting more and more weird. And Saul had told me yesterday that he may have lost his clairvoyance because he's had no dreams since the one that he had where he was going home on a Friday and his mom asked him if he was going to go to church the next day. That was back when he had the offer for work release many many weeks ago. Since then, nothing. But since then, my dreams have been turned on to overdrive. huh... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days ago I dreamed that I was in an uber religious school where everyone wore uniforms and I was kinda not the evil one but not the saint, either. I befriended the most religious girl there and for some reason we were all going to a funeral in the church. The church was like an old cathedral and it was dark and black. For some reason, the religious girl thought that was the greatest time to show me different square boxes and spell books that reveal she's really a witch and the spirits were flying out of the boxes she gave me. One after the other. Then it turned into a weird Tim Burton musical where they took the bodies of famous founding fathers and the deceased and put them side by side in guillotines and beheaded them. Meanings: Funeral: You may be burying relationships, conditions or even emotions that you no longer need and that are no longer conducive to your personal growth. On the other hand, this dream may symbolize the burying of sensitivities and emotions that are too difficult to cope with. It may reflect numbness or a feeling that is the opposite of aliveness, such as depression and emptiness. Either way, burying a person that is alive suggests some emotional turmoil. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last night I dreamed that I was in my house and we were having a small house party. We used to have parties at our house when my brother and I were younger. But we were waiting for word of another party at my aunt's house in Chino. I was in my room cleaning it up and there was an old futon as my bed. I put it in the seated position and pulled down the cushion to fluff it out. It was fluffy like a pillow at first then when I tried to put it back it became stiffer like a mattress. And it was filthy. I saw a cockroach or two on the floor, the little slender ones. Cockroaches started spilling out of the frame and the mattress. Little almost baby ones to medium ones, no full grown ones. Usually I am squeamish around cockroaches but this time I picked up my slipper and started killing them all. I thought I saw the source in an old fast food bag under my bed so I balled it up and threw it away. Then I locked my door and Saul was in my room. We were going to lay down but we were both kinda grossed out by how dirty the bed was and the roaches. But we were still really happy to be together. I left the room and got a phone call from the aunt we were waiting for and she said the party was canceled since we were having one of our own. And the party was for my dad's niece but it was my mom's sister who was going to throw the party. (wtf...) Then we went to the hospital in my dad's truck for something and the parking lot attendant was my bro and I's old after school program caregiver, and older woman named Marlene who looked older than her years and used to smoke a lot. She looked aged and she had a certain high pitched nasally way of speaking. She was at the front of the car and said ,"I would offer the tram service to you but it takes 3 hours to get it here!" and we all thought the same thing; that 3 hours was a lot to wait for a $1 tram ride. But in real life, the tram service is free, but it does take a long time to get around. We went to the building for our doctor appointment (mom and I) and we ran into my cousin Shianne, her husband John and her kids. Mom was trying to introduce herself but she couldn't talk, she kept getting tongue-tied. Then we were at my cousin Teena's house (who is Shianne's sister) and she had a bunch of girls living with her and she had a big beautiful house with a really nice walkway made of white rocks and peach stepping stones. Meanings: Cockroaches: Seeing and at times just thinking about cockroaches makes a person feel squeamish and repulsed. When dreaming about these dreaded insects, the unconscious mind may be hinting to the dreamer that he needs to reevaluate and reassess a major part of his life. There is never just one roach; thus, the areas of life that need cleansing and renewal may be deep and wide. The negativity or contamination that is represented by the roaches may affect a great deal of your life. Thus, this may be a call to clean your psychological, emotional, and spiritual self. (Also, examine your motives!) On a less dramatic note, cockroaches in our dreams may be associated with food and uncleanliness, so don't leave the dishes for tomorrow! Hospitals: The hospital is a symbol of care and recovery. If you dream about a hospital, ask yourself, which part of you needs healing. To see people close to you in the hospital indicates that you might hear some bad news about them. Possible influences: Yesterday when I was at Ontario Mills, I actually ran into my cousin Shianne and her family! My aunt that lives in Chino might have been in there because there's a prison in Chino that Saul may serve time in if he's found guilty or strikes a deal. The party is cos I was asked to bring some stuff to one that's happening soon. The roaches cos I'm getting more and more germaphobic lately though I did have dreams about roaches when Saul was first in jail as well, the futon cos Tak was telling me he was thinking of getting one. The filth is understandable; the unknown and the crap surrounding us I suppose. Saul, well, I saw him yesterday and I miss him dearly.

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