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2007-11-01 - 2:36 p.m.

I worked both my jobs on Halloweenies, but it was fun! I got a lot of compliments on my Punk Rock Nurse costume, everyone said I looked cute! :D I called it punk rock so I can wear my peircings at work, it was "part of my costume" muahah!!! Everyone had great costumes at Walmart! There was only one gal dressed up when I went to Torrid, and she left when I came in, so I was the lone loony, but I had fun!!! Passing out candy to the litle kids made me smile, i want little critters one day. I had a MASSIVE migraine by the end of the day and I was all frowny faced and tired, but I had fun this Halloween :D

Here da pics from the Walmart madness!!!


incognito ax murderer

cat n mouse, friends! awe

ref for the front end!

Bugs Bunny and fan girl!

blurry as fuck!!! :( kitty, fan girl, dead 50's gal, fan girl #2, Bugs Bunny, Punk Rock Nurse

Bugs Bunny and other fan girl!

moooobs! anyone for drinks?

he's escaped!! we have a bunch of these guys in the back

Punk Rock Nurse! (at home durning lunchy munchy)

I luv a man in uniform ;) muhaha

Store Manager Sharon needs a make-over!!!!

Robert being Robert

Nursey and Queeny

Mike is here fer ya booooty!

Cholito killed a hobo in the parking lot

gotta fever for a hot lad? ;)

the young thuggish Mr. Clean!

Queen of Hearts, she'll steal yours away! awe!!!

Raggady Anne checks your bags

oh, no! another one has escaped!!!! O.O

"I vant your vlaaaaad!!!"

Miss Frenchy Maid in the line-up pose! awe!

Helena found her Count!!! He's devilishly handsome!

Zombies make good workers here!!!

show me your bones, I'll show you mine!

there's a dead poodle on her poodle skirt!!!!

Happy Halloweenies!

xooxo, mErci

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