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2007-09-08 - 6:26 p.m.

Starting over has been great, and I've been happy by myself because I was never alone. I always had my kick-ass friends and my Lord Jesus Christ right by my side. And I've been having fun knowing new people, lotsa fun! It's weird to feel like this girly girl again, to have an interest in someone who has an interest in me back.

So...I've been hanging with Kevin a lot. Getting to know him, who he is, what he likes, etc. etc. all that stuff people do when they're interested in eachother. He's very sweet and I feel like he really cares. :) It's fun and exciting, and also a lil' scary but I know I'm doing this the right way, not rushing into anything or having high hopes or stringing anyone along. We had a really good talk about where we are within ourselves and I'm glad we're on the same page. He says things that make me smile from the inside out. ^.^ Sometimes we take our breaks with eachother, and I love to see him smile. :)

I still don't want a boyfriend right now, that's gonna take a lot of time for me to feel like I'm ready. I don't want to hurt anyone and I'm not in a good place within myself to be in a relationship. I'm really glad he's not asking or pushing for that. I like how level-headed he is about this. I really want to know him and I really want him to know me. That way, after the initial cutesy-ness and newness of getting to know someone goes away, we can step back and evaluate whether we should go farther as friends or more. Plus I have other things right now to focus on. He's great to have around though. :) (isn't it weird to read me thinking so clear-headed and mature??? I know I'm freaking myself out!!! muahah!!!)

We're going out to dinner tomorrow. I'm way excited! I have something I made for him. I hope he likes it. :) waaa.


Bend around
The wind silently
thrown about
Again I'm treading so
Soft and lightly
Compromising my will
I am

past rants - future ramblings

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