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2008-02-05 - 10:58 p.m.

Today, I felt like crying as I left Walmart. I find no joy in that place. Mom and Tak noticed something wrong with me when I came home. I truly don't. I spent the better half of last night and this afternoon putting in resumes and online applications for new jobs. About 10 hours in between sleep. Oi. I'm very determined. Very determined.

I finally lit Mike's candel today. I wanted to do this before Lent to clear my mind.

siempre fi

It's under the Virgin Mary so our Mother is watching over him and his soul. The rest is up to him. This gave me great closure and comfort doing this. Knowing that I've done this makes me know that he and his brothers in arms are going to be protected. Whether or not he's going to Iraq, he's still in that state of mind, so may he be at peace with whatever he's going through and whatever he will have to do. If I never see him again, I know someone is watching over him.

I've decided for Lent, I'm going to:
-Fast from 7pm to 7am
-Try to include a daily mass once a week
-Try to take a walk once a week so I can be alone with my thoughts and talk to Jesus without distractions
-GO TO WORK WHEN SCHEDUALED THE WHOLE DAY (the biggest challenge for me)

There's one more but it's difficult for me to come to terms with but at the same time very doable at this point. I'll keep it to myself, but it's pretty obvious if you know me.

I told my parents my plans for Lent. Dad joked around about laying off the boyfriends LOL yeah, right, no boyfriends for me. Not that I wouldn't want one. I'm just too involved in other things right now. Dad also that the fasting was too extreme but I can do it.

I saw Pam as I left the church, it was wonderful running into her. She looks wonderful and she seems changed. She might come with me to the music video shoot. :D

I voted. Not that it mattered. >.>

I wanted to get Across the Universe today but stupid ass managers at Walmart didn't give me my comp money today. mthrfckrs...

Tak is leaving soon. I'm gonna miss him lots. We really got to know eachother while he was down here but he's gotta move on and I know we'll be awesome to eachother still. We really know eachothers ticks and triggers. It's been a while since I let someone get to know me that well and vice versca. It was an enriching experience to say the least. He helped me a lot, to get to know myself and challenged me. Rock on, Mr. Tako, Rock On.

Ashes on the forehead, remember, NO MEATS TOMORROW!!!!!
To determine if it's meat or not, remember this: if it WALKS or FLIES, it's MEAT!!!! Fish is OK. No meat of Fridays, either!!!!!!


just kill it, it's dead anyway. Lord knows why you want to keep it.

past rants - future ramblings

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