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2009-04-28 - 10:14 a.m.

I'm in a slump with my writing again, I'm not really inspired right now. School has been a drag since we've been trying to get taking blood pressures down correctly. I can't hear the pulse in the bend of the elbow and it's frustrating. The class likes to just up and leave without Teach there. I've had two gals to practice on: Mon (an older Chinese lady who kind of has a language barrier) and Angelica. Angelica is cool, she asks me a lot of questions, we have a lot in common.

Saturday we couldn't find Pulgita so we knew she had the puppies. She had the good sense to have them in her little dog house. :p Two black wiggly things (already claimed so far!) and a beige one that my dad wants to keep. Dunno what he's going to name it yet, he's waiting for the dog's personality to come out. I suggested Scrunchy since he's got a scrunchy lil' face! >.< hehe

Mike and I went to Frank & Son's to look around at all the airsoft and nerd stuff. :p We ate some stuff from the vendors there, Mike was pretty happy with the egg rolls! We were laughing up a storm, making fun of each other, having a wonderful time. I was glad I got to go out and had a good time. There was a special appearance by Steve Garvey, a former MVP for the Dodgers in the '70s. This was pretty coincidental that we went this day because Mike's mom got Mike's middle name (Steven) from Steve Garvey, she's a huge Dodger's fan! (He was named Mike after Mike Scioscia) So we bought a ticket to get his autograph on a picture and got it certified and everything. :)


Steve Garvey signing Mike's picture


Steve Garvey and Mike

Sunday I was irked all day. I was majorly irritated for no reason, I couldn't figure out why until I realized that my soul was sick, I become very upset when I have sin in my heart. I saw Saul and he broke down a little, telling me he missed me and he was sick of the people he's dormed with. Hopefully he can hang in there a little more without something coming to a head. *sigh* He was happy to see me, sad that it wasn't a happy visit but he's seen me break down so many times, we're there for each other no matter what. He was happy with the thick letter he got and said he liked my Ren Fair make-up and approves if I get a tattoo on my chest so long as we have a before and after pic LOL :) We keep talking about the future, moving, kids, how weak we are, how strong we can be. I miss him so much. I know he misses me, too, says that sometimes he wakes up and thinks he's in my room and when he realizes he's not he gets upset. He'll come out soon and I pray that he never has to wake up in another jail cell again. He doesn't belong there.

I was going to visit Tako after that but he was busy. I went to buy my tickets at the Glass House but I happen to go on the one day they're closed. >.< I visited the shops and stuff but I was feeling really sick because my blood sugar was low. I was calling around to see who'd like to have lunch with me but everyone was busy. I went home, ate a snack, slept and my mom and I went to Norm's and I had the most delish steak and they brought us two deserts by accident. I don't remember the brownie a-la mode being so HUGE O.O So we brought it home! I was super hyper after that, Matt and Mike were tripping out on me. :p

Nothing much has happened since then, just school and running errands. I feel like it's been so long since this week started but it's wishful thinking cos I'm going to see Saul this Thursday. His friend Salvador is coming with me, I know Saul will be happy to see him. :) Tomorrow is my open house for school, so come one come all to the adult school to get your blood pressure checked in Room 22! :p My family is coming, yay!

It's been cold lately. I like the cold a lot.
I need to dye my hair. Badly.
I need to pick up my room. Clutter is becoming too much for me.
I need to keep moving on, getting stronger. For me, and for my future.


On and on, we carry on

past rants - future ramblings

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