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2010-06-02 - 10:16 p.m.

May 13th-Maticore Society reviews: Chrononaut presents Steampunk Circus!

This was, personally, one of my favorite nights, next to the Tango de Vapourpunque night. I was excited for this night because way before I even knew about steampunk, I�d been fascinated by the circus, particularly the old style freak shows and over-the-top dangerous stunt days. In 2007 I made a ringleader costume, with the help of Tako who constructed my tiny hat out of sticky felt and a beer cozy! It was one of my favorite costumes though I did not wear it out anywhere except to take some pictures. I revisited my homemade jacket with coattails to find it way too big now that I�d lost 30 lbs. That day, after I got home from work, I tailored it smaller so I could wear it properly! My brother said I looked like Britney Spears, hahaha. -_-

I opted for a thinner skirt instead of the fuller one when I left for the dance

For the Elective Surgery table raffle, I embellished a distressed picture frame photo album with gears, cogs and keys and made it really pop! I was really glad it came out so nice.


I packed up everything and waited for Capt. Wong Wei, late because of a nasty cold that crept up on him. He dressed in safari gear, I gave him a sign that read �BEWARE! Man-Eating Circus Animals� and a bag of Animal Crackers. :) I meant to get a tiger shaped cookie but that didn�t pan out, he was supposed to be a man-eating tiger. =^..^=

Here Capt. is with Cody, our Rotti in Elective Surgery!

When we got there, everyone was in their best circus attire! I really loved everyone�s take on the steampunk circus. A surprise came when we saw our friend Liam was in attendance at the dance, paired with his caped skully cane.

So cool! I am amused!

There were performances from some patrons, vendors and students of the Lindley-Lopez Circus in San Diego. They had us all mesmerized with contortionism, knife juggling, mini-bike riding, whip-lashing, and concertina playing!


Jerry was of course there to take pictures of all the goings on and of everyone�s fabulous outfits!

I like stripes, and black/red, can you tell? :D

Here�s MPsy as the ferocious man-eating circus animals:

That's mai wife!

Andrew and I once again paired for a few photos

He had a big whip, I only had a riding crop

But I can still sneak-attack!!!

I like this one the best:


So cute! Amy and I were side by side, chatting and giving out pieces of the delicious red velvet cake my brother graciously donated, along with some mini cupcakes. It seems that red velvet cake is the winner when it comes to crowd pleasing.

Elective Surgery Booth with one of our lovely directors, Amy!


Obscure Discoveries Booth, something for everyone!


Delicious Cake!


We made quite a bit in donations which covered our spot lights and the winner of the raffle was our lovely Miss Ingred and Prof. Greyshade�s son! Awesome! The capt. and I sold a few nice items to some new comers and as the evening started to close up, the patrons started to go a little mad rearranging the furniture. Too much sugar I suppose?

Check out Jerry�s zenfolio for everyone�s fantastic outfits! http://jerryabuan.zenfolio.com/p641639214
Chrononaut in San Diego http://chrononautclub.com/
Manticore Society http://themanticoresociety.blogspot.com/

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