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2005-11-14 - 12:56 a.m.

I thought that maybe I could believe in you again.
You made me think that you actually cared about me.
I guess anything goes, so long as you have something to blame it on later, right?
That you say those magic words and all of a sudden, whatever you did would be absolved.
You should know me better than that.
Or should you?
Do you even listen to me?
I guess you pretend, just for me to give you what you need.
I can't believe I fell into you again.
That I was so vulnerable and you knew it.
At least you didn't take that much from me.
And I can get back what you took from me.
But I'm still so mad.
You lied to me.
Then again....

I lied to you, too.
You just don't know about what.
Sleep tight.

past rants - future ramblings

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