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2005-09-09 - 12:30 a.m.

Had fun today, mom let me borrow the car during lunch and I took it everywhere! It was awesome! I went to the mall to get my hair trimmed (which was a total waste of money), walked around for a while. I went to the halloween shop next to the mall, then went on the freeway (all by myself, mommy!!! weeee!) and went to party city. I'm waiting for the stripped stockings to be on sale because I want to buy some before the MSI show when I wear my boots and my matching arm warmers. :)

Picked up mom, we had a soda before I went to Amelindy's house and she completely bleached and dyed my hair. It looks sooooo nice!!! I love it! It's purple on top and blue on the bottom! ;D yay! When it dries in the morning, I'll take pics of it. :) It was a long process, but it's good because we got to watch a bunch of movies on her Mexican cable. :p LOL (Definition of Mexican Cable: Pay for it once, lasts a lifetime. ;p ) We watched some cartoons, the movie The Birdcage, and THE CELL!!!! I absolutely LOVE that movie!!! :p I love that movie oh-so! But it was on the USA network so a lot of the cool parts were edited. >;p

Nothings going on tomorrow. Me and Amelindy and some gals were supposed to go to the club but Amelindy needs her ID, silly girl! :p She took me home after a while because I called home and little bro said that the parents were yelling at eachother and I can hear them over the phone. Grrr. I'll hear about tomorrow from me mum. *sigh* I know I'm going to hear it tomorrow.

I went to apply for K-Mart today, but some guy was on it for, like, 45 minutes!!! OMG, I was so frustrated with this. It was like he couldn't read! >: grrr! I'm going to try again tomorrow. I ran into Melissa from church yesterday, it was cool. We talked for a while. :) yay! Richard (her boyfriend) works there as a cashier, now. He used to work at the photo studio inside the store.

Can't wait to get a "real" job and get out of the house. There's too much tension in the house. It's nerve-racking to be here. Too many crazy minds in eachother's spaces. I'm on suicide watch with little bro and I really don't like it because in my room there's lots of things to hurt himself with, but luckily he's doped up on Xanex and Benadryl right now. :) I'm super-tired tonight so I'm like, bummed that I have to stay up.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, what will be her for me tomorrow???...


Just remember to wipe the lipstick off the dog after you're done.

past rants - future ramblings

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