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2005-09-10 - 1:09 a.m.

Yeah, I wanted to go out tonight. Senior Dwayne said that everyone might hang @ his casa and he'd call me if they did, but I guess they didn't. That's OK, no fuss involved. Then I was supposed to go out with another chick friend of mine, but that didn't pan out either. That I'm a little miffed at. So I'm here with about 10 pounds of goth/drag queen make-up and in my prettiest outfit waiting for something but knowing nothing will come. *sigh* And my corset is killing me. Grrr....I wish I had somewhere to go tonight. That'll suck if Dwayne and them did go out and didn't tell me. :(

I did talk to Tonzy for a while, though. That was fun. (Not really) Practice is tomorrow, but honestly, I don't know if I even want to do the band thing anymore. Our practices are mostly unproductive and I suck at keeping track of everything. (Writing notes and tempos and all. I'm so rusty.)

I applied at the KKK-Mart today. So technically, if I'm hired there, I'll be working for Sears again. (NOOOOOOOO!!!!!) I wanna get out of here, but I also know that it's going to be a long road ahead of me to get there.

Tomorrow is Mela's party. I'll take lots of pictures.

I've been exceptionally...ur...frustrated so to speak lately. Not trying to gross anyone else, but hey, I'm human, right? Shit. >:(

I should wash this make-up off, but most likely I won't and I'll regreat it later.

What else...hmm...a lot of people have been asking me lately if I'm into threesomes. For the record, I'm not. No way to change my mind, either.

The movie me mum ordered for me came in today. :) I watched Cherish and the commentary to Cherish. It was pretty interesting. So much goes into movie making. I think I realise if I were ever to be in the public eye, I'd cruble because I don't take critisism or hate mail too well. Maybe I have another purpose. ::shrugs shoulders::

I've been thinking about going back to church.

I'm tired. Maybe I should go to sleep.

Let's go now, I'm sure he'll still be here in the morning. He's dead, for crying out loud!

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