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2005-09-11 - 2:25 a.m.

Practice today with the new guitarist was TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Our guitarist is really creative and good at taking direction and speaking musically. His name is Carlos. He's also kinda cute. :p LOL The whole band was there and we got to practice the song and it looks more optimistic for this thing to work out. :D Aweeesome!!! I'm really happy about this, now! Tonzy and Daniel and I went to Pam's party, they had to leave right away, though. T'was their mummy's birthday so they took her out for the occasion! Sweet! A lot of people were there and there was a scavanger hunt, good food, awesome peeps there!!!! I hung out with Richard and Fancie most of the night. Totally awesome peeps! By the end of the night it was just Spam, Richard, Fancie and myself, along with another fellow, but his name escapes me right now. I just remeber that when he drove me home, I prayed!!! :P LOL Yeah, so I took many a picture and here they are! : It's Mela at the begining of the day! Her smile will turn to tears LOL j/k It's Fancie and Richard being gangsta gansta! :p Jackie, looking bea-u-ti-ful as always. And Mr. Sal! Woo! I hadn't seen him in ages! From left to right: Jesse, Luis, Phil and Evita, hanging out! Here's Adrian!!! And Pam!!! Draw! Fancie takes a pic of me taking a pic as I take a pic of her taking a pic!!! Now it's Richard taking a pic of me taking a pic as I take a pic of him taking a pic!!! (whew!) Pam takes an incriminating picture of me comming out of the bathroom with Jackie. Hey, we girls got our meetings you know!!! LOL I get to hug my Jackie!!! I wuv my little star!!! Pam's excited! About what, I'm not sure, but look how excited she is!!! Spam and Adrian once again! Buds! From left to right: Phil, Evita, Adrian, Jesse and Luis (with his hard look! :P) Sal's there, lurking in the background! :p Left to right: Michelle, Jackie, Sal and Mr. Eddie! Jaime was also in the area, but he didn't want to be in the picture. Booo! Richard, Amy and Fancie chillin' like villins! Doesn't Mela look oh-so cute??!! Awwww!!! Oh no! We've angered Pam by putting icing on her! Knife attack killing rampage!!!! It's Desiree and her boyfriend, Ricky! Aww! :) The last of us by the end of the night!!! Richard, Spam, Fancie, the guy who's name I can't remember, and myself on top. (Like it should be! LOL) It was quite a night! Very awesome! I meet some awesome possome people and it's all to the good! I'm super tired and for some reason I feel really stiff. I'm off to bed. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Yeah, I've got caller ID now, so don't tell me you havn't been calling, breathing heavy on the other line, then hanging up!!!

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