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2009-01-29 - 11:50 a.m.

Yesterday was pretty intense. Dad drove me to my orthopedics appointment and the song Dreaming of You by Selena came on and I felt myself start to really be missing Saul, more than I could ever imagine me missing someone. It was so strange and I could feel the tears welling up in me and I was quiet the rest of the day. I was also really fatigued from the pills for my allergies so that didn't help. The appointment only gave me a referral for orthopedics and they told me I might have something other than tendentious or they might be able to give me another set of injections. They'll also for sure tell me there if I'm a candidate for surgery. After I came home, I was so lethargic, I didn't want to do anything. I put some meat in the oven to bake so I could make stir fry later. I slept for about a half an hour then woke up feeling MUCH better, made the stir fry and started to get ready for the club. Albard called me, he wanted to go clubbing with me but he didn't have money. :( He also wanted me to meet his 5 month old nephew, awe!!! I want to hang with Albard more, he's a cool cat. Later on in the day, this guy that used to be a janitor at Walmart called me. I'd run into him at the market earlier in the week and we exchanged numbers, I didn't think he'd call me. He wanted me to hang with him and see his 3 month old baby girl! O.O WOAH! I don't think so! oi!!! Scary stuff. I got ready all pretty, saw Atari at the gas station (that was cool!) and picked up Adrian from the adult school. His mom and I chatted and we were off. Spam, Mr. Dick, and his friend Nick (lol it rhymes!) and Elisha came eventually. We chatted, they drank while Adrian busted moves on the dance floor. Nick is as good a conversationalist as he is handsome! teehee We tore it up on the dance floor. My old crush from way back in '05 that I met in church was there out of the freakin' blue! I was like "OMG, JAIME?!" He's doing so well, he looks very good!!! Next week he's leaving for peace corps, teaching in Africa, amazing! We talked about our families, he asked me if I was still with the same loser I was with for so many years, I told him hell no! That I found someone special and he was happy for me. Jaime is such an awesome guy and I know he'll do well wherever he goes. :) When we went to leave, Saul's father, Juan, left me two urgent voice mails that he had good news for me. I called him at 12:30 in the morning and the poor guy was half asleep telling me some things that sounded good but I couldn't really understand him with the combination of my partial deafness from the loud music and him being half asleep! But he sounded really excited to tell me and really positive like he always is, bless his heart. :) I'm sure Saul will tell me everything when I see him today. He gets to see my new hair. :p I hope he likes it. This morning, after passing out from my pills, I woke up and mom told me I had mail. My unemployment denial appeal hearing results came back; in their words: "The determination/ruling is reversed. The claimant is not disqualified for benefits and are payable, providing the claimant is otherwise eligible. The employer's reserve account is subject to charges." YAY I GETS MONIES NAO!!! w00t!!!! :D I'm so very relieved!!!!! I really needed this money and I felt I deserved this money, I feel like things will get better now financially now that I have some sort of income coming in. As soon as my hand surgery is cleared, I'm going to start medical assistant classes!!! :D And my W-2 from Walmart came in today as well. A lot of my problems have been because of money but hopefully now when I have the cash in hand I'll dispense it where it needs to go and continue looking for a job. I'm going to see my babe today and he'll tell me what's new. I'm doing my hair-again!-to make it look better cos I realized that only some parts of the black took #$&@ but it's getting fixed right now. Nothing really seems real right now, prolly cos I'm still kinda zombie-like cos of the pills but we'll see how reality unfolds. PICS! yay! I had a hell of a time taking these as I'm not used to the distance compared to my other camera. :(

I crimped my hair
This shirt finally fits me right! It used to be way too small!!!
Mr. Dick leans so light!
Nick, smokin' a ciggy
Elisha doing her ciggy ad pose!
sexy smoking Nick
two, two, two cigs at once!
Jaime! We saw Jaime!!!
Great pic of Jaime!
cool pic of me :p
Glitter ball Spam with Jaime!
Silly boy!
Adrian looking a-feared! har har
Bust a move!
dancing the night away!
dancer in the mist!
c'mon ride the train!
choo choo!
cha cha cha
spam on the stage!!!!
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* jokes on you, I'm not even wearing a bra!

past rants - future ramblings

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