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2008-04-04 - 3:52 a.m.

4 hours of work started this day, it was payday so I was happy. :) I was irritated with self checkouts like usual but then went on my happy little way after I bought a pressie for somebody. :)

I went to the bank, then to get gas, then home for my MP3 player. I got a few of Tak's things that he left and off I went to where he was. We made impromptu plans to go to a Korean BBQ.

I got there and we chilled in his room, it's yet to be unpacked fully but I know he'll decorate it really great! After getting the directions to the place, we hopped in my car, talking about everything and anything. We had our ghetto GPS to show the way:


I've never been to a Korean BBQ before. Basically you get all kinds of raw meat and you cook it right at the table on a grill!!! It was wicked cool! Tak ate like, 20 pounds of meat!!! Swear!!! He gave me different things to taste and they were all very good! :)

After that he showed me some vids from his camera phone and we went back home. He got irate after the internet wouldn't work so we just bummed around the room for a while. Arlene and Mayra eventually awoke from their napes *awe!* and we all chatted and joked around. We even started playing with Tak's die cast and model cars and toys!!! It was really funny! I had a great time!

After a while it was time for me to go. I would have totally stayed later but I needed to head back before I got too tired and I would have just slept over had I all my supplies for work, plus I didn't want to overstay my welcome or anything. But the gals said I was welcome anytime. :) I gave Tak his stuff and we said goodnight. He's such a great guy!

I talked to Gary on the way home. :) Tak called me after a while, saying he was concerned when he didn't see me online, LOL, and wanted to make sure I got home okay. Awe! That made my night. That and the movies I watched, American Psycho and Primal Fear. Pretty twisted and crazy but totally cool! I've been watching a lot of good old movies lately. I'm not tired but I need to sleep.

This day was awesome! :) I hope there are many more days like this where I can see the people I care about most and hang with friends and be happy. :)

Tomorrow, Party!!! Should be a blast! :)


you just ate a toddler size weight in meat!

past rants - future ramblings

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