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2005-12-24 - 2:19 a.m.

Yay! Random pic day! So much fun! Actually, only two of these serve a purpose.

For those of you who didn't get one, this is my X-Mas card this year!!!

This was my x-mas card last year! I adore this one still!

I went to an Egyptian family non-holiday (but holiday oriented) gathering. Yes, confusing, but fun! Lots of food! I'm soooo filled with food! :D My aunt took a picture of all the grandaughters of the family that were there! yay! We are the beautiful Egyptian princesses, keeping the family strong, driving our fathers and mothers crazy, our husbands in check and our kids well-behaved! LOL! :p hehe!

from top left to bottom right: cuz Michelle, cuz Peaches, ME! :p, cuz Vanessa, cuz Cindy, (cuz Carolyn not pictured), cuz-in-law Jennifer, second baby cuz Samantha, second cuz Silvia, cuz Melissa, and adopted cuz Amanda. :)

And I took some pictures of the dog Pulgita and Jerry. They look alike now that Jer bleached his hair!!!! Awe, twins!!! :p Hheheeheh!!!

This is what Jer does to the dog when he thinks no one is looking. :p

Awe, lookit! The owner looks like his pet!!!

And there's this pic with my lovely Depeche Mode Exiter tour shirt. I love this shirt. I really do. And I like the way my eyes look in this pic. :p

yeah, so tomorrow is X-Mas. Grrr. *sigh* Chrismas. *shudder* Well, I can only hope for the best. And this year, I'm hoping the songs from my CD player will drown out the sounds of my parents bickering, bitching and yelling and fighting about stupid shit. Yes. That will be nice. :D

Oh, and my uncle gave my bro a cell phone. he just needs a SIM card. :p Oi! I wanty a celly-o-phone for my Thomas so I can talkity talk to him! :p LOL M'k, I'm leaving now. See you later...hopefully...


Oh, Lord, she's gone and drank the whole thing of spiked eggnog. I'll get the bucket.

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