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2008-12-04 - 9:49 a.m.

I should start with before the dream. I was woken up by a panic attack. I was also too warm cos I slept with the heater on and a sweater on cos I was cold. A little bit after I woke up, Kevin texted me after he got off work. He asked if I wanted to swing by for lunch tomorrow. We talked for a while after that, mostly about what to name his new animal on WOW. :p LOL We call him Pecky cos he's an owl I do believe?


sorry, I had to. >.>

I tired to go to sleep after ward but I was still panicky. I had really bad back pains, I felt really hungry so I ate a banana. I walked around and threw up for a little bit then went to sleep with the television on but the sound off. I was starting to feel sick changing the channels. IDK why. I curled up in a ball, cried a little, and tried to go to sleep. It didn't help that some dickweed texted me at 4:44am asking "Are you an insomniac?" |:S

So then I finally slept and had this dream:

Something happened with our house, the foundation in the front was missing and there was no furniture in it. It was my house but not my house at the same time, it was so close to the freeway I could see it from my backyard and I had a big deck with steps going down to the backyard. There was a huge bay window in the back and there was no carpet.

Then all of a sudden I was in a tow truck with some guy and a girl who was my friend though I don't know who she was, she was blonde. We were looking for food to eat cos apparently there was a huge natural disaster and there was certain food we couldn't eat because it was contaminated. We drove next to this HUGE truck full of Cheerios (wtf, why that I have no idea) and I was like, "Cheerios! We could eat Cheerios! It's not contaminated!" and the guy dropped us off at the back of the abandoned house and we hurt loud noises and we thought he was trying to flip over the truck or harvest the Cheerios.

Then I was back in the house but it turned into my Grandmother's house but it looked like my Uncle Richard's house. My grandmother's house is very dark but my uncle's is very very bright. The house looked old inside and there was a lot of chipped paint on the doors. I was going to put a sign on my new room's door that said "knock please" I had on the outside of my door a bunch of dresses, and one that was in the front was a What-the-Hell-Was-I-Thinking dress, with a tattered skirt in gray, purple, blue, with a corset bodice and flashes of zebra print on it. The room was bright and white. I opened the door and next to the bed there was a big green puffy jacket on the floor. The exact same kind that Saul's mom wears. I started to fold it and I woke up.

White: White is commonly associated with purity and perfection. It symbolizes a hope for these qualities and when combined with other colors can add a refinement to their characteristics. Stark white can indicate rigidity, but a softer white is generally associated with the future and prophesy.

Green: In dreams, green most often symbolizes a need for healing, balance and harmony. Recurrence of the color green in dreams may indicate the dreamer should become more giving, sharing of himself more. In specific circumstances green is an indication of envy or jealousy as well.

Yellow: Yellow is symbolic of the intellect in dreams. It reflects the use of mental faculties and if someone who approaches the dreamer wears yellow in the dream, it may indicate a need to challenge one�s intellect or to spend time engaging in rational thought.

Lots of yellow in dreams lately...

xoxo, mErci

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