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2008-12-01 - 7:31 p.m.

Today was pretty sweet, I hung out with Kevin in the morning, then ran some errands for my mom. Allstate to pay the insurance, AAA to pay for the DMV tags, then I picked up the mail. I got the skeleton hand incense burner for my secret santa and the Nightmare Before Christmas incense sticks!

I also got the money for my old phone and a shirt I sold on e-bay so I paid my mom back.

Guess who got jury duty? :D I'm way happy about this, it gives me an excuse to go to Los Angeles!!! I LOVE going to LA!!!! :D <3 Last time I had jury duty was really fun, and now I don't have to drag anyone with me since I have my own car. :) I'll come prepared this time with some puzzle books and whatnot.

I got a bunch of bills lately. >.< I can't wait until my job starts or they give me my unemployment.

And my brother asked me to get him a pizza (he gave me the money) cos I'm so nice :p

Kevin came by my house to crash for a little bit. I got ready to take the cat and myself to have pictures with Santa! In Kevin's words I looked "awesome". :D The cat was going nuts attacking everything in my car and going under, over, around the seats. I put a little bow on him but it didn't show up in the pics. When I got there, I put Squeaky Toy in a bag and the gals at the Santa booth were like AWE! The man dressed as Santa was so cool, he had a noticeable German accent and he was like, "Here, kitty kitty!"

Here's the pic!!!

yay! :) I'm going to make copies later. The girl at Roxy Cosmetics told me she saw me take the pics and thought it was cute. :D I'm sending one to Saul, I think he'll get a kick out of it.

I have a monster headache right now...ARGH...but I'll cope. Tomorrow I'm going to make an appointment to see Saul <3 I don't really have anything to do except make dinner. I'm going to print out some more things for Saul to read. I hope I get another letter from him soon, seeing as how I don't have enough money to buy a phone card anymore. :( It fucking breaks my heart but this is the best thing we can do for right now.

I'm stupid excited about jury duty. :p


"Do you want to hold the kitty or do you want me to?"
"Um, I think I should. He's kind of vicious!"

past rants - future ramblings

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