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2005-12-26 - 11:35 p.m.

OK, my mom got me a $50 gift certificate to Tower Records. And I had absolutely no idea what to spend it on! Sucks! Anyway, I wanted to get the new Mezmerize CD from System of a Down, but I didn't notice that I accidentally bought the Hypnotized CD! SON OF A BITCH!!! GRRRRR!!! MAN! SUCKS!!!! And I opened it already so now I can't return it!!! FUCK! So the point is, who wants to buy my CD for $12 bucks? Pleeeeeaaassee?? OK, yeah, that's about it about that. *twitch twitch* I went to the White-Power Wals*Mart and saw miss Amelindy bedindy. And Luminous (Henry) out of the corner of my eye. Me and my mom where there for THREE FUCKING HOURS!!! OMG!!! I was soooo ready to leave there after 10 min. >;p But on the plus side, we got like, major deals!!! I was happy about that. :D Yay! I got a lot of neat-o skeet-o stuff. :) Oh, and I've got my hair cut short in the back. Very 1920s. It doesn't look any different that what I had already, but I'm trying to get rid of my layers. Then maybe I'll stop cutting it and make it grow. Or I'll try to get extentions. Whatevers. And ever since I got my big bed, everyone's been hanging out in my room and not knocking on the door to come in and just jumping on it and not asking if it's ok and it's pissing me off to no end because right now I just want to be alone and I don't want other people comming into my room and taking it over!!! FUCK!! FUCK!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK!!!! (it just seemed appropriate) And now, some random pics. :p This is Tonzy stealing a security cart @ the PAC. This is a baby hedge-hog. Awe... This is me and my kitty, Himler And THIS made me laugh and amused me all day and amuses me still!!!! This is a chocolate chip cookie that I got from the Sizzler salad bar. I looked at it, and it smiled at me! Ahhahah! Lookit! The cookie's smiling at me!!! LOOOOOOOKIT!!! AHAHAHHAHAH!!!! WHEEEEEEEE!!! If you're lost of where to look for the smile, it's in the middle a little to the lower left-hand corner. :p Working on my resolutions. One of them will definetly be to try to stop being so full of ANGER!!! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* I'm not angry, I'm just mad...completely mad!!! BAHAHAHAHAH-HAHAHAHAH!!!

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