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2008-03-04 - 10:51 a.m.

Bringing Money Home

(well...I am :p)

trippy cartoon music video to Song for the Field by Fields. I love indie bands so much!!!

Anywho, I'm way tired. I got like, very little sleep. Jared came over and he wanted me to help him study for a test in anthropology. It basically covered mating evolutions and male/female evolutionary roles. It was pretty interesting stuff, some of it I knew, some of it Jared explained to me. He knows his stuff, he's pretty smart. It was like 11 when he came over though so after we studied and talked for a while about our weekend and our day, we fell asleep. We're supposed to meet up again tonight for dinner.I feel bad everytime he comes over because he's so bleedin' sleep deprived but he likes to see me. That makes me feel, I dunno, kinda special n whatnot. Still kind of bewildered though as to what he sees in me that he finds so captivating. I know he likes me a lot a lot. It gives me great comfort that Jared's so focused on getting money, working, and school right now so he won't have sufficient time for a girlfriend.

I've been talking to and meeting some kick-ass people lately (like Saul, he rocks and rolls!) and I like the freedom of not having restrictions of the people I talk to or go out with because I'm with someone. (If I found someone that I fancied greatly, I would respect him but of course I wouldn't go out anymore!!! LOL) I've been missing my oldschool/newschool that I don't see that much anymore peeps. :( MOO!!!!

I checked my paystub online, OMG, I'm getting like way more money than I thought because we're getting our bonus this Thursday!!! w00t!!! Maybe NOW I can finally pay Le Tigre back because now I know he's not going to spend the money on me ::shakes fist:: hahah!, he can spend it on himself or rent or something. Depends on how much my phone bill is, but I'm going to give him at least half. I feel bad, I've been holding on to this money since Christmas. :( And I'm closer to saving up for the excursion that I'm going to take out my Alaska-bound sweetie, much much closer!!! He still calls me kitty. :3 That makes me feel great inside. It makes my insides quiver. ;)

Total expenses:
-CPR class (Ceryne's said she can help with this, she's so cool! Mucho Kudos!!!)
-MSI ticket (I STILL havn't bought it!!! :( ARGH!)
-Across the Universe DVD (Havn't bought that either! DAMN YOUS, WALMART!!!)
-Le Tigre monies
-Tak bike/going-away-outing monies
-clothes/jewelery (damn you, Torrid, Hot Topic and Mode Plus!!!! Thy weekness is mounted like a moose on my head!!!!)

I should get on the road now. I went straight home instead of going out to a few stores because I really needed sleep. I still need more sleep but I can do what I gotta do with the extra 2 hours I just got. I cannot wait to take the test for the school district and I can start tramatizing the kiddies. I'd love to work at Bursch, I can just walk to work every morning! (I live about a mile away, it's a good walk) :D



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