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2008-03-04 - 6:01 p.m.

1. I love my feet/ankles/toes; my toes look like little piggies :p and I can walk through glass on my rugged feet :p and my ankles have definition, they arn't non-existant

2. I love my scars on my body, every single one from the accidents to the intentional ones. From the eyebrow peircing that got ripped out, razor blade slices, safety pin scratches, acne marks and chicken pock marks. It's a story in my life, something I've overcome, and most of them are fading and healed.

3. I love my eyes, how they're reddish in the light and look awesome in make-up. I love how they're big and round like my daddy's and everyone always tells me that <3

4. I love the two 'secret' moles on my body; one on my left eye, you only see it when my eyes are closed but it's a nice little accent that not too many people see or notice. The other one is on the top of my right breast and even less people have seen that one but I love it :) I love the five moles on my left arm that, if you connect the dots, they make a star! It's so cool how that appeared on my arm!!!

5. I love my hands, as injured as they are, how they look when I've adorn them with different accessories, how slender my fingers are and how my veins show more than ever

6. I love my hair, how it's changed and created so many different personas, stories and looks for me just by itself and how out of nowhere it turned wavy in the past few years

7. I love my eccentric, ecclectic mind that seems to trip out the norms and give wisdom to those to ask for it and how it's only gotten wiser and grown older with the tragedies and happiness as the years have gone on

8. I love my lips, big, squishy and 'kissable' as some have said. :) How when I wear lipstick or peircings, they look fab!

9. I love my spontineaty, how it's gotten me into some deep shit and 'lessons learned' type of things but also how it's lead me to some of the greatest times and people in my entire life that I wouldn't trade for anything, ever

10. I love my chest, how there's a nice big space for a chest peice tattoo :) and even though I have arthritis in my chest and it hurts, it protects my heart and is a canvas for the jewlery and vestments I decorate myself with. I love how I've gotten used to my breasts over the years and learned the does and don'ts of flaunting them and trying to be womanly without being trashy while these things developed :p And how happy with their size I am; enough of what I need, nothing I don't. ;)

All right, it's your turn. Go forth and make a list of ten things you love about your body, inside or out. If you love the little mole on your elbow that's shaped like Missouri, or the way your eyes crinkle, or your mastectomy scars, or your right pinkie finger, say so. We spend too much time talking about what is wrong with our bodies, what we hate, what we wish we could change--let's talk about things we love. Your body will thank you for it.

past rants - future ramblings

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