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2009-03-19 - 3:00 a.m.

Today the day was boring save from taking Rachel to Mt. Sac to turn in a project and it's never boring to talk to my babe. He called me to make sure I was okay since I was so sad yesterday. He loves me so much, it's incredible. He does so much to make sure I'm happy and listens to me. :) We talked about his court day (today now) and how we're both optimistic yet scared. I'm going to see him twice this weekend: one with his familia on Saturday, another alone on Sunday. <3

You have no idea how badly I wanted a cigarette today.

I walked to school after taking a cold shower, it helped a lot since it was so darned hot outside. I was dying by the time I went to the post office. When I got to school, I was very very warm and felt funny. I went to the bathroom to cold compress myself to cool off and drank a LOT of water. I was proud of myself for not succumbing to the heat and walking to school despite how hot it was. I felt strong!

Vocab term test: 98% A! I left at lab time cos Kevin asked for help; his sister locked her keys in the car so I went to call AAA to get them out. I had a nice time chatting with her about work and school and such, she's really cool! She thanked me very much, I was very happy to have helped her. The AAA guy gave me attitude >.<

I went to Walmart and bought some stuff, ran into Kevin who thanked me for helping his sister and we chatted some. Since I was in the area, I asked Matt if I could come stalk him after he got out of work and he agreed. LOL Background info: Matt is a friend from high school who I hadn't seen in years but keep in touch with online.

After he got out of work, I gave him a big hug and we talked for two hours outside about every little thing. Sometimes people in high school aren't what you remembered; sometimes they're more awesome. :) I liked how he was himself and very relaxed, like whatever, fun-loving Matt. I feel like I could talk to him about anything, it was a good feeling. It is so rare to find that in people now and days. We caught up, talking about then and now, then leading to now and such. It was great to talk to him. I hope we'll hang out more, or I get to stalk him more at least. LOL

And apparently I'm shorter than he remembers. :p

Gary and I talked for a bit, he went to the Abney Park show in San Fran tonight, lucky ducky! Tonight is MY TURN!!!! I'm stoked for the show tonight, my car's full of gas and my outfit is ready to be it's steam-punkiest!!! I'm ready to get lost in music tonight, dance and have a great time with my friends!!!


just put me in a cage and feed me salad

past rants - future ramblings

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