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2005-12-01 - 1:34 p.m.

What are the two most exciting words in the universe????


Ok, ok, you thought I was going to say Group Sex, yes? LOL

I'm having a yard sale at my house. Most of my clothes/acessories that you have seen online will be there. Also, my mom is selling hospital scrubs, really nice ones. We have a lot of hospital scrubs, so if you know anyone who needs some, come on by!

Also, I'll be selling CDs! Joyous CDs! I have many a title to choose from! From Mariah Carey to Caesers, Kirk Franklin to Methods of Mayhem, they're all there! All under $10!!!! Whhheeeeee!!!

So if you want to come by and help me out of my financial ruin, I will be happy like a kitty eating fish heads and smile wide like a monkey! :D <-----even wider!!!

If you don't know where I live, I'll give you a vague description if you e-mail me or just follow the screams. :)

Also, there will be a club this Saturday, my friends. If you want to come, do e-mail moi. :D


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