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2004-08-20 - 10:37 p.m.

So I went to the zoo today, but more on that later. Guess what? Come on, guess? Fine then, be that way. I won't tell you...ok, ok, I'm sorry, I'll tell you. I got my permit renewed! Yay! I read the entire book while I was at the DMV and that was such a good thing to do! I passed by the hair on my chin, meaning if I had missed one more question than I already did, I would have had to try again. Mom went with me this time because dad gets me nervous. We made another appointment for the driving test on the 9th of next month. I'm super-stoked! :D <-----Happy Me. Bummer: I had to take my cuz's car back. I loved driving my cousin's car. It made me feel big. :D

I wasn't really looking forward to the zoo cuz, c'mon, who hasn't gone to the zoo every freakin' year in grade school? But I was looking forward to it after me and mom had breakfast at Jack in the Box and after I got the hair dye for me, Little Bro and Jordan. *finally!* My dad missed the exit to the zoo three times so he was kind of aggravated by the time we got there. Also, he was mad at Jordan for piercing his lip and for wearing his hair up in liberty spikes at the zoo.

The zoo was awesome! I saw all the cute little animals! I saw people pointing and staring at Jordan's hair! (especially little kids-the sweet, innocent kiddies) I saw a kangaroo's joey in the pouch which looked absolutely painful! I saw a bird with the same hair style as Jordan! I saw a black bear that looked like Vidal! (hehe, in a good, cute way!) I saw Philamingos! (hehe, inside joke!) I saw a girl's booby! (she was breast feeding plain as day at the freakin' zoo!) I'll upload the pics as soon as we get them developed. :D

I don't know why, but everytime I cook something for me to eat, my mom comes in from wherever she is in the house and says, "I want what you're having!" I don't know why, but this really pisses me off. I have no rhyme or reason to it, it just does. She says she does this because I'm a good cook and then she doesn't have to make anything. uh. I've got to stop being so angry.

I'm excited at the social cuz we're going to see Napoleon Dynamite and because Vidal is supposed to talk to me. *sigh* I hope he does talk to me because a while ago he said he was going to call me and he didn't, I called him. I want to know what lies in our future, if we have one in that sense. *sigh* If not, I'm still OK with it because I know that God will provide me with someone.

And now this...

Cheer Bear
You're the Care Bear cheerleader! Your spunky personality and optimisim lifts everyone's spirit. Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends. Despite this, you are a true believer in working together.

Isn't that adorable? Jackie got the same thing. For those of you who don't know me, I LOVE RAINBOWS!!!! I'S LOVES THEM!!!!

My birthday is comming up next week. Give me money. Lots and lots of money. J/K The only thing I really want that my mom is going to get for me is an excersize machine so I can loose my tummy and loose some of the fat from my ass. I'm tired of sitting in the middle seat of a car and sitting on the safety belts. :p

and thank you all for the prayers you sent me. *muah*


"Even if you're the evil lord of the underworld, you should always be yourself." Micky Mouse

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