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2005-11-26 - 12:58 a.m.

100 THINGS.... repost this with your answers:

1* First grade teacher's name: I had two; the class was bilingual. I can't remember either of their names!

2* Last words you said: "Bye, goodnight y'all!" (to Jordan)

3* Last song you sang: "Good is Good" by Sheryl Crow

4* Last person you hugged: Jordan

5* Last thing you laughed at: a pic my friend took of me :p

6* Last thing you said to a dog: "Awe, what's the matter? No body loves the ugly puppy?"

7* Last time you cried?: Yesterday.

8* Last movie you watched: Invader Zim Vol. 1 Disc 1


9. What color socks are you wearing: gray with purple and white stripes on the toes. :p

10* What's under your bed: two reels of velcro (don't ask)

11* What time did you wake up today: 4:15 in the f*ing AM!

12* Current taste: water (mmm...the taste of water)

13* Current hair: soft and poofy! :D

15* Current annoyance: my family!!!!!

16* Current longing: To loose a few pounds...and to eat :p

17* Current desktop background: NIN tribute cover by Chad Michael Ward

18* Current worry: loosing more people I love

19* Current hate: the public transportation system!!! I HATE IT SOO! I SPIT ON IT!!!

20* Current favorite article of clothing: I have so many! Probably my fishnet shirt

26* If you could play an instrument, what would it be: harp! I seriously want to learn!

27* Favorite color(s): Red, Black, Burgandy

29* How tall are you: 5"3'

30* Current favorite word/saying: Meow!

31* Favorite book: Bridge to Terrabithia/Tales from the Dark Tower

32* Favorite season: I live for the season I'm in!

33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Mario


35* Where do you want to go for college? Mudd College in Pasadena for make-up artistry

36* What is your favorite career going to be like: Really interesting and tedious

37* How many kids do you want: 3, but I want a set of twins. :p Such a dork


39* Said "I love you" and meant it: Of course!

40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: with my cats, all the time! Shit!

41* Been to New York: No, but come one day...

42* Been to Florida: No, but I've been wanting to!

43* Been to California: Not all of it. :p

44* Been to Hawaii: No, I don't want to, either

45* Been to Mexico: Yeah, when I was little

46* Been to China: No, that'll be interesting, though!

48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened: I was having dreams about my teeth falling out and my friend Amelindy told me that that ment that someone I knew was going to die. She was right!!!

52* Do you have a crush on someone if so who?: Hell yeah, I have a crush on everybody! I'm such a friggin' dork for love!

53* What book are you reading now? I'm going to start reading a Manga called Clamp

54* Worst feeling in the world: severe and utter depression brought on by another person

55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: What time is it?

56* How many rings before you answer: home phone, no more than 2; cell, I have the song "Everlong" by Foo Fighters on, I usually answer in the middle of the song

57* Future daughter's name: Soma Angeli or Rosaline Angeli

58* Future son's name: Damien or Favian

59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yes, my pink kitty in the shape of a burrito! LOL

60* If you could have any job you wanted: a tie between Novelist and Rock Star :p

61* Wish you were: healthier/thinner

62* Future College plans: beauty school! and maybe Mt. Sac to take a Spanish and Sign Language class

63* Piercings: one on each ear, one on my eyebrow

64* Do you do drugs: just alcohol and second hand smoke from my brother's pot

65* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? Herbal Essences for dry/damaged/coloured hair

66* What are you most scared of? dying and not being able to say goodbye

67* What clothes do you sleep in? usually a band shirt and depending on the weather, shorts or sweats

69* Where do you want to get married?: at St. John's the Baptist church for the tradition white wedding...then to Bar Sinister for my gothic wedding of my dreams!!!!!!

70* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?: to stop being so emotional/be thinner and have a clearer complection

71* Who do you really hate: I don't hate people, but I dispise ignorant people

72* Are you timely or always late: I'm an early bird if I can help it! I need to be places early!

73* Do you have a job: amature soft core porno actress on the internet LOL I don't have one right now

74* Do you like being around people? if they're fun and there's no drama

75* Best feeling in the world?: sleeping next to someone and having them stroke you and kiss your neck as you fall asleep...*sigh* <3

76* Are you for world peace: of course, yeah

77* Are you a health freak: no, but I'm paranoid about some stuff

78* Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: usually, the dorky/fat/tall/goofy looking guys! I love them! Yum! But I just luv all the guys I see!!!

79* Do you want someone you don't have? Yeah...*ahem*

80* Are you lonely right now: Not lonely, just wanting to share my love. I have so much love to give!

81* Ever afraid you'll never get married: Not really, I don't know if I'd be any good at being married anyhow, but if it happens, it happens

82* Do you want to get married: Sure, why not? If I find the right person


84* Cried: Yes

85* Bought Something: Nope, I'm broke as a joke, hunnie!

86* Gotten Sick: Last night, I was hella sick! :(

87* Sang: totally! I sing all the time!

88* Said I Love You: yes, I say that every day!

89* Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: yeah, some times I tell, sometimes I don't. Most of the people I dig know it already

90* Met Someone?: not new or anything

91* Moved On: somewhat, I thing I'm falling back on a lot of things, though

92* Talked To Someone: yeah, I talk to people all the time

93* Had A Serious Talk: hmm...no, that was last week

94* Missed Someone: Ashwar...I love him and miss him every day more and more

95* Hugged Someone: I hug everyone!!!!

96* Yelled at Someone: My brother

98* Kissed someone: yeah, it still feels weird to me, though

99* Have you ever been heartbroken: Yes..countless times

100* Do you like the way things are right now: I am in no position to complain, but I have a lot of goals to reach to be happier:D

the end

past rants - future ramblings

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