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2006-01-15 - 1:42 a.m.

1. Spell your first name backwards:
Icrem (man, playing cranium helps!)

2. Story behind your MySpace quote
It's a quote from a poem/song that I wrote

3. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number:

4. Where do you live:
Baldwin Park


5. Wallet: all black with Marilyn Manson quotes written on me by moi, of course ;)

6. Toothbrush: Crest Spinbrush (metallic purple)

7. Jewelry worn daily: my ankh charm necklace, tattoo bracelet, moon and star ring, my "emo" star ring and my tri-ankh ring

8. Sunglasses: I only wear them if I wear my contacts, I'm freakin' blind without my glasses!!!

9. Favorite shirt: my Marilyn Manson Omega tour shirt and my Beatles "A Hard Day's Night" album shirt

10. Piercings: ears and I'm getting my eyebrow repierced

11. What you are wearing now: My Marilyn Manson Omega tour shirt and black sweatbands

12. Wishing: that I had a place of my own and a car

13. Wanting: Mike <3

14. After this: drink more juice, my sugar is low

15. If you could get away with it and murder anyone who would it be? no one, I wouldn't be able to live with myself

16. Person(s) you wish you could see right now: Mike, Jaime C., Armando, David, Carlos (aka God Under Manson), Amelindy and Ash.

17. Something you're looking forward to in the coming week: Starting work and being with my babe, Mike

18. The last thing you ate: cream cheese and jelly :)

19. Something you are moderately afraid of: waking up with blood in my stool ? I dunno

20. Do you like the taste of blood? sometimes, I'm tasting it a lot right now because of the stitches in me mouth

21. Do you believe in love? Like there's any other choice but YES!

22. Do you believe in soulmates? yes, but I also believe they're hard to find

23. Do you believe in love at first sight? YES!!! Always have, always will

24. Do you believe in God? YES

25. What is the longest you've ever gone without sleeping: bout three days

26. Who is someone that you really wish was still around? Ashwar...


27. Who is your best friend(s)? Le Tonzy!, Spam, Amelindy, Crystal G, Jackie

28. how many people on your friends list have you kissed?
really kissed? omg, so many!!! SHIT!

29. Are you shy around your crush? sometimes, at first yeah :p

30. Still have feelings for anyone you've been in a past relationship? Kinda sorta, not really, it's done it's over with

31. Do you know what it feels like to be in love? yeah, it feels terrific <3

32. Would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friends? I will, I have, and I'd do it again! Actually, I *am* going to do it again!!!


33. Where is your favorite place to shop? Torrid, Hot Topid and Tower Records!!!

34. Have any tattoos? I will soon...hehe...

35. Do you do drugs? just caffiene and alcohol, but never together...

36. What are you listening to right now? Mike's voice on the telly

37. Who was the last person that called you? Mike

38. Where do you want to get married? BAR SINISTER!!!! oh, and church. :p

39. What would you change about yourself? now: my hair colour and my tummy tum
in the future: my fatness

40. What are essentials in your life? GOD, MUSIC, Internet, friends, sleep, etc.


41. Hair: short dark brown/bleached chunks

42. Music: none right now

43. Mood: feelin' kinda sick and sleepy, but alright :)

44. Weather: COLD!

45. Friends on MySpace: 80, I need to do some cleaning

46. Comments on MySpace: a lot :)

47. Last person who left you a comment: Armando! Freakin cool

48. What was it about: it was a sparkly banner of my name :p

49. First friend on MySpace: I think it was Amelinda and Melissa

50. First comment on MySpace: fuck if I know

51. Who introduced you to MySpace? I was at Jackie's house and Evita had one and I was like What Is That? and the rest is history

52. Song on your MySpace: Oslo-One Last Fling

53. Is Tom still on your MySpace list: nope

54. What's your background? a discarded Chad Michael Ward photo from his old website

55. Favorite part of MySpace: I met my boyfriend here!!!

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