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2009-02-16 - 12:33 a.m.

Yesterday started off at 6 something in the morning with someone texting me. Grrr. I worked out, ate breakfast and went out with my folks. I passed out in the back seat of the car after lunch. Xp It was also the Anti-Valentine's Day party hosted by the fabulous Mr. Tako at his new pad. I went to the market after church to get some booze and mom bought a can of menudo for him. Awe! I picked up Miss Cyrene and we came bearing gifts-o-plenty and I poisoned everyone with my delishious absinthe drink. It was a good group of people, everyone was having a great time, especially Tako! He passed out flat on his face on his bed after a while, it was pretty epic. I passed out in a comfy soft round chair.Save for the hangover the next day, he was raving at how well the party went and how awesome it was. I picked up most of the debris from the night before as we snacked on fig newtons, humus, chips, chocolate and cupcakes left over. Thank God for Gateraide; I drink it before and after I party and it saves my life. We watched season 2 of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law which was off the wall and totally random! I'm really comfortable around Tako still and that makes me feel happy we still have a cool friendship. Thanks for throwing an awesome shindig, Tako! <3 After he walked me out, I got gas and left to see Saul. (And I thought LA drivers where bad, San Bernardino peeps can't drive worth a DAMN!!!!! #$*&!!!!) I dressed really nice and did my make-up special for today. He said I looked really hot. I showed him his gift which was a tin with a big kiss mark on it that said Free Kiss Coupon and when you open it up it has a coupon for a free kiss :p I thought it was cute and he appreciated the thought. As usual I was a weepy emo child and he reassured me that everything was going to be fine despite the fact he felt sick inside. The way he tells me things lets me know they will be alright, maybe not soon but someday they will be. He also told me he had a dream last night about some weird prelims being held and he said the dream was really wavy. We don't know what it means but it's the first dream he's had in a very long time concerning this so we'll see what happens. When I got home, Kevin asked to hang out so I got some pizzas and we watched Chrono Crusade. When I got home, Saul called me and I had to pull over to put some money on my card. When I got home, I stood in my car to talk to him. I cried and he told me not to, that things would be alright. We joked about conjugal visits and put some things to rest. I feel badly about things still...that things aren't great or what they should be but I'm making amends to rectify those things that went wrong. He says he's forgiven me but it's a different issue for me to begin to forgive myself. All and all though, it was one of the best weekends I've had in a while. Tomorrow, shopping for shoes! I NEED NEW SHOES IN THE WORST WAY!!! The backs on my shoes have huge tears along the sole and backing and the sides are coming apart. Damn Payless brand...I dunno what I'm gonna get yet but we'll see. I'm also gonna have to yell at my car insurance company cos they raised my monthly payments and I don't know why cos I haven't gotten any tickets, accidents, etc. I don't want to have to go insurance shopping again but we'll see what happens. And now for pictures: (for those on myspace, the new pics are in the parties, gatherings, kickbacks and shindigs folder but it won't let me save the newest ones first so to view them, go to the last page first, k? Thanks)

when you give a nerd a lightsaber...
four prong burners for ULTIMATE POWER!
he was already getting drunk when I got there BTW
Jermaine is so photogenic!
Zayneb starts FIRES!
Awesome glasses girls are awesome
Pandy at the hookah
Megan and Keil are in love...
with hockey! shirts by Megan!
chicks with dood
Jermaine, Mike and Desiree
Cyrene and Cat
every time he gets drunk, this comes out
arts and literature :p
My heart-shaped glasses made their rounds that night!
Zayneb was doing a jig while Jermaine smiles bright!

What is Mike doing?!
Pandy takes a picture of me taking a picture of him taking a picture~....
Keil always makes the most charming facial expressions :p
I was totally digging Cat's look and Zayneb is awesome as ever!
a double dose of mischief!
Pop-lock time! Cat is laughing!
Sexy Sierra, Queen Cyrene and Smilin' Bryan
doesn't he look confuzzled here?
to the left, to the left!
best picture of the night! WHAT IS GOING ON, GUYS?!
Her hair looked so cool! Lookit that smile!
Love written all over that gal...literally
This hat was rather large
Michael Jackson Time! Ow!
more pics taken by Pandy
a toast to...my heart-shaped glasses!
IDK who took this picture but I really like it!
frightened? scared? or cold?
Tako's shirt under the black light!
Gosh, that took me forever to caption, especially since I messed up like a billion times! Happy VD one and all harharhar. :p Hope wherever you were, whoever you were with, you were safe and content. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* show her you love her...with BACON!

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