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2005-12-29 - 9:26 p.m.


A- Age you first fell in love? 7 :p he was my first kiss. :p
B- Birthday? 08-29-1985
C- Car of your dreams? Chrystler Town & Country
D- Dads name? Gerardo
E- Easiest person to make you laugh? Le Tonzy! & Jer on a good day
F- Food you eat most? SUGAR!
G- Any encounter with ghosts? I don't think so, but I thought I saw the tooth fairy when I was little :p
H- Hungry? No, I just ate, thanks
I- Interesting fact people don't know about you? I'm an amature soft-core still porn model on the internet. :)
J- Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on? I got pushed in by Luminous and Mirna!!!
K- Kissing with eyes open or closed? depends on who it is, sometimes I want to look into my babe's eyes
L- Last time you did something "bad"? Last night, baby ;)
M- Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute? when I won the kareoke contest my senior year :)
N-Nicknames? kitty, Merci, Rags, Cow, Homeless Stripper, etc.
O- Whats your most valued possession? my love letters
P- Person you last talked to on the phone? Mike! :p <3
Q- Quote that you feel represents you right now? Love like You'll never get hurt and dance like nobody's watching
R- What are you allergic to? Zoloft. :(
S- Song you last sang out loud? Everlong by Foo Fighters (acoustic version)
T- Time you woke up? 11:45 am (still technically morning)
U- U like to sing soft or loud? Depends on the song
V- Vegetable you hate most? the frozen kinds
W- What are you most afraid of? dying without saying goodbye
X- X-rated love life? if you only knew...
y- Yellowcard or GreenDay? Green Day!
Z- Zodiac Sign? Virgo (but nothing could be further from the truth)

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