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2008-09-01 - 1:24 p.m.

Sorry for the delay but these past few days have been crazy cool and full of havoc! >.<

The party was a success! It's funny though cos we didn't even play the board games that I planned on playing! harhahr People came, drank, someone passed out cold >.<, people were talking and enjoying Eddie's tunes!!! I met a lot of new people, a lot of familiar faces and I FINALLY SAW TAKO!!!! :D I got buzzed a-plenty and everyone seemed to have a good time! :) And the absinthe went fast! I still have a bottle left...hmm...

Thank you for the lovely gifts, too! I wasn't expecting anything so it was a lovely, all I wanted were my friends to have fun and party! I got:

-2 Beatles CDs from Jesse (Revolver and a compilation; funny enough my Revolver CD does need replacing!!!)
-3 CDs and a HIM DVD from Saul
-House of Leaves book from Roses
-A glittery vinyl kitty key chain with neon eyes from Tak <3
-A cute Living Dead Doll from JuJu :D -A bobble head solar powered dog toy and elephant toy from Sasha
-A handmade cameo steampunk necklace, Steamboy the Anime, and a beautiful antique looking fan (which I've been dying for for about a year!!!) from Mike P.

The next day, my parents and I were cleaning the backyard and my bro freaked out because supposedly someone stole his pot plant but I think he was just being stupid. Anyway, he said he was going to steal something from me and he said he'd kill me because of this and it hurt so much because he's my fucking brother and he's willing to kill me over something that small and stupid, it's very hurtful. He just gets me so angry. Anyway, the cops were called and if anything does go missing or if he tries to fight me again he's going away.

We went to Macaroni Grill after wards and it was awkward, I did not want my bro near me at all and he threw stuff at me at the restaurant. So stupid. And the waiter was incredibly rude and sarcastic with us. *sigh* But I still had a wonderful meal and spent time with my family.

After church, I went to Mayra & Arlene's parent's house for a little get together. A few of the clan were there, I got to go swimming and I talked to Tak a lot and saw the new little puppies, they're adorable! After I came home, Kevin stopped by and we had just the weirdest night talking and I don't know what to do anymore, I feel helpless in that I can't help him, all I can do is sit back and watch him because nothing I say can do any good anymore.

I woke up a bit ago, Tak called me and we talked again for a while. :) I'm really happy he's back. We're going to hang out after I get my car back and some money in the bank. No absinthe this time, apparently it angries up his blood! I'm going to check on Kevin later and then, who knows?


Luis starts the party off!

Ricky and Roses chillin like villains

Jesse and his friend Johnny! (love the shirt btw ;) haha)

AJ and JuJu love!

AJ's posse of cool people!

Juan, Dave, Kono, & Johnny chill


Johnny, moi and Arlene

Eddie and his drunken grin

Mister Saul and I

why, what a well-dressed man!

Mayra and Me!

Dave and Kevin talking about games, maybe? :p

Saul and his gang! (dear God, this was the begging of the end for Saul)

Hugs for Jesse near the pool

"I have a concave chest!"

I was really buzzed when I took this pic and thought his CHEST was this white!!!!

Invisable samich w/ Roses

It's Mardi Gras!

"what are you doing?"

I think his name was...Eric? O.O


Arlene's always picture-ready!

Isn't JuJu's sis pretty? :)


Kevin surprised me by showing up early :) yay!

the Absinthe set up; Parisian style

Bohemian style (the sugar cube! it's on fire!)


Johnny is horrified of me as he well should be!

many drinks later...

"Hey, it really was THIS big!"

OMG, there's a skeleton at my party! FTW!

We were lit up like a Christmas tree!


Such a lovely smile!

kissy lips or holding back the nausea?

I forgot Atari was there! I'm glad he came! Picture evidence confirms it!

he has to ruin at least one picture for me!

Sasha's such a pretty girl!!!

Sasha and Dave!

was I falling when I took this pic???


He was passed out cold for about 4 hours or so. He was our guest book >.<

Last pic of the night, make it count!

we put a sticker on Eddie's back


*note: dudes, like, I was srsly drunk when I took this vid so I'm pretty annoying-sounding in it >.<

w00t! Thank y'all who sent me b-day wishes from afar and who came and celebrated with me! I hope everyone had fun! :)


2 more years until I can rent a car on my own!

past rants - future ramblings

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