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2008-03-07 - 9:06 a.m.

I woke up at 7:43am. I don't have work until 10:30am. Yeah.

I always wake up in a panic thinking I missed my alarm only to see that the clock is laughing at me saying, "Haha, I did it again!" Looking all smug with its little smirk and closed eyes.

My clock is now in peices leaking LCD fluid all over the windowcill.
Take that, betch.

I got some Apple Jax and soy milk. It's pretty good. It's been ages since I had cereal because of my lacose intolerance. It rubbed off on me from hanging around Le Tonzy and Tak. I'm sure it's contageous. Just like asthma.

After a half-hour of reading and writing e-mails and blogs, I ventured into the kitchen, hoping for some human contact.
I found an empty kitchen.
I drowned my dissapointment in more Apple Jax.
(I hope I can keep them down, but no more sickness today!

After all, it's Jeans day! :D)

In honour of meatless Friday, mom made me fish -two days ago-. My mom is an all-inclusive package of awesome and crazy. I like that.

I'll be posting pictures of all the stuff I got yesterday on my spree.

Except for my Easter dress, that one's a suprise. {Sorry, Saul :p muahaha}
I will only say about it that I need to wear a camisole under it otherwise it's like, 'HEY! LOOKIT MA BOOOBS!"
I'm going for a more conservative look.
What? Stop laughing.

Looking forward to this Saturday, gonna hang with friends.
Looking forward to this Sunday, gonna hang with Saul.

We loose an hour of sleep this weekend. It's magical. The time fairy takes an hour away and throws it into the cold void of space amongst the stars and satalites.
I imagine she wears a big poofy pink dress with lots of toule and has sparkly glittery wings with a pink crown and magic wand made out of pixie stick.

Looking forward to the rest of the days, one more paycheck and I can take Tak out properly before he leaves to hunt the ellusive moose and make a hoodie out of its pelt. I still say it would be an awesome cosplay hoodie. :)

And I have gigs galore to go to in the next few months!
-Skum Love w/ Heros of the Federation
and many others that I'm sure I'll find.

And it's amazing how many people are in the same type of situation as I.
People suck sometimes.
People really suck sometimes.
I hate everyone right now.
No I don't. I'm just kidding.
;D <---see? do you see that wink? It means I'm kid-ding

Fine, don't believe me.
No, I'm not crazy.

Just comfortable arguing with myself.

Well, off to the showers with me, I have to look presentable for...4 1/2 hours?!
My Gawd...

xoxo, mErci

past rants - future ramblings

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