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2004-11-02 - 9:59 p.m.

Yes, I'm in Bitch-Mode. Grrr. I'm irritated to the max with a lot of things. (my hair, lack of a job, bros, dad, boyfriend, chores) I'm just fed up with everything. To make matters worse, I feel like I'm going to have to leave the Life Teen program. *sigh* I love being there, I feel like home, and I love meeting new friends and stuff, but, gosh, I don't know anymore. I want to help more. I'm looking forward to going to the prayer night. If they don't want me anymore, if they ask me to leave, I don't know what I'm going to do, but I do know that I'll definetly cry.
Other than being generally irritable, I went to Mexican grandma's house yesterday. My grandma looked like someone punched her big-time in the eyes. It gives me the creeps just to think about it right now. She's on some pain meds (hehe). We were watching this old movie called The Misfits (it's got Marilyn Monroe in it) and the people in the movie were talking about how they wanted to dance in the house but there was no electricity, but then Marilyn Monroe's character said, "The car radio!" and my grandma said, "Oh, so they're going to drive the car into the house?" OMG, it was sooo funny! Grandpa gave me this statue:

Isn't it cute????? It's an angel with kitties!!! AK! Vidal came with me and he was tripping out on it, too! :p Oh, and I took a bunch of pics of Vidal. Hehe, he let me take pics of him looking all emo-ed out:

My honey is sweet! :p I asked him if he'd ever go to adoration with me and, well, let's just say we're staying away from the subject of religion and politics for a while. Oh, yeah, big thing, I voted in my first presidential election today! Ooooh! Fun! I'm not going to tell you who I voted for, but I did vote no against Prop. 66.
Tomorrow...oh, the day of tomorrow...not looking forward to anything except Prayer night...sweet, sweet prayer night...
All my people come on, choose your sides, you're a long way from home but not alone. Keep your head up, keep it real, stay down, you're a long long way from home but not alone, I got you

past rants - future ramblings

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