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2005-10-16 - 2:27 a.m.

I went to the gig on Harlan today. It was fun except for the pushing and shoving. (Totally understandable, but I no likey) Yeah, so David picked me up and we went together. I ran into JORDAN!!!! I HAVE MISSED HIM SOOOO!!! Jordan used to live with us, but his family moved. They're doing well now. :D I ran into Tall John, too. :D I also saw Jaime, a gay guy that me and Henry hung out with. He's so rainbowy, still, hehe, he said hi.

I hung out with David most of the night and I *finally* met Robert!!! I only knew him through David, myspace and our convorsations on AIM. He's a little bit of alright. LOL He's pretty cool. I got to be the designated driver because David was impaired and Robert tagged along, too. After the gig, I got to drive David's purple car to the Circle K, got some water, then we hung out at my house for a while. Turns out Robert knows Jerry already through Phil, and Robert didn't know that Phil was my ex. LOL The smallness of the world!!! And he also knows Reina, a gal I've known since forever and a day through Henry, who was friends with Jaime!!! Full cirlce. LOL

We hung out, David went online, Robert passed out on the bed kinda sorta. He took my glasses and kept throwing blankets at my head. :p And I showed them how Pulgita humps pillows if you throw them on the floor. LOL Amelindy and her boyfriend came by a little later. They followed me to David's house so I could drop his car off with him. I also took Robert home. I was sad to see him leave because he's pretty cool to hang out with and whatnot. I got wet walking from David's complex to the liquor store where Amelindy followed me, I scared the crap out of her and her boyfriend. LOL David let me use his sweater. Awe!!! Fun.

Now I'm hanging out with Amelindy and her boyfriend, Mark. We're watching Spun (of course) and it's going to be over in a while and they'll go home. All in all, great fucking night and I got to see Jordan finally! I worry about him, he was such a huge part of my life and I was so fucking upset when he left. And I got to meet a really cool new friend and spend time with a kick-ass guy! I loved tonight, it was really, really awesome. :D

Oh, and great news! My "son" from Marching Band, Armando, found me on the myspace! And somewhere, somehow, he knows Mr. Richard! Sweet fucking world I live in!!!!


How come I'm the one who has to hold his hair back when he vomits???

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