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2009-05-19 - 10:42 a.m.

Man, a strange slew of dream to report. I haven't deciphered any of these dreams but they are obvious to me in some respects why I had them. A lot of these dreams occurred between the last two nights:

-I was in a backwoods house with Matt and he was working on an old 1950's Chevy. My friend Patrick, who's a DJ, passed by me with a big sound board in his arms and I said, "Hey, what's that for?" and Patrick kept saying, "Well...you know!" and laughing at the same time and kept patting me on the back reassuringly.

-I was living in a shabby but pretty huge two room apartment with Le Tigre and his entire immediate family. It was dark with wood paneling and shag brown carpeting. It looked a lot like my Nina's old house. I was pissed off cos he wouldn't drive me to an important job interview and I was waiting in a black car cos for some reason I couldn't drive. Then I checked the pamphlet and the time, 1:00pm, and said, "It's too late now, whatever, it's to late to go anywhere," For some reason I felt I really needed to go to K-Mart beside the interview.

-I was supposed to be living in Tako's current house, it was messy with bits of paper and dust and I kept sweeping around the granite island he has. Then it turned into a tiny house made of aluminum that I could take the side off of and open up and saw a man I used to date with another woman and got mad Tako was trying to hold me back from decking him. I tried to talk to the land lords and they ended up being the parents of a girl who hates me. Then I was in a garage looking on the internet when a school friend of mine needed to go to her new home but didn't because it was new and her baby was there, too. So I went home with her and waited in a black car to make sure she was safe. It looked like the neighborhood of my school.

-Matt and I were hanging out and he kept giving me slices of pizza, only they had Taco Bell taco supreme ingredients instead. And not all at once, it was one slice at a time had the layers of the taco on it.

-I was in a clinic and this clinic I'd been to before. I was talking to the older white blond haired nurse and gave her my card that had a stamp on it. She asked something like, "Have you had a procedure before?" and I told her, "Yeah, once..." and I was ashamed cos I knew she meant had I an abortion before and had a feeling she might turn me away cos it was a pristine clinic. She turned away my card and said, "We can't take you once you're ruined," or something like that and I started to protest cos they'd taken me before but then I was thinking back that maybe they accepted me because I was there before the abortion but then it clicked in my head that I'd NEVER have an abortion at all in real life (just one miscarriage), I'd only THOUGHT of getting one in the dream, so I tried to go back in. To the side of me, I saw Saul through the glass and I couldn't get to him, he had his long hair again and looked so handsome, but didn't look at me cos he looked disappointed. After that, my grandparents and mother were at the Mexican boarder and my grandpa was telling me, "You don't know what your mother sacrificed for you," and I could see her jumping the fence while she was pregnant with me at a young age. I felt really bad cos I had mistreated her but then thought back and the story wasn't true; she was born in America and didn't have me until she was almost 30 in real life.


only in dreams can we save the world and meet our heroes

past rants - future ramblings

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