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2005-11-12 - 1:29 a.m.

I had a dream that I was taking a bath with a bunch of kid's toys in there with me and all of a sudden some middle aged guy with glasses pulled back the curtain and was trying to look at me. When I tried to fight him off, he tried to cut me with a letter opener, so I stood up and started cutting him with a paring knife. Afterwards, I walked out of the bathroom and someone else went in and screamed because there was the guy dead and bloody in the tub. This is disturbing to me, but what can I do? :p

Me, Le Tonzy, Richard and Spam went to Club Make-Out tonight!!! It was pretty fun! We got in for free because I got the flyer off the internet to get in free before 9:30 pm. We had trouble finding it, but it was at a place called the Hully Gully. LOL There was a lot of dance/indie mixes on the dance floor and awesome people to look at. :p And on all the tables, bars and sidebars were GLOWSTICK BRACELETS!!!! We had sooo much fun putting them on! Tonzy had a lot of fun making hats and halos out of the bracelets!!! (((PICS TO COME!!!)))

Afterwards, we went to Jack in the Crack and ate in the car while we went home. It was fun! It would have been a lot more fun if more people had been there! Next time, I'm freakin' taking the van and bringing a bunch of my peeps!!!! The club usually relocates and has a new club every week or so or something like that, so there will be MUCH MORE opportunities to come and partay! :p I'M KIDNAPPING ALL OF MY PEOPLES!!!!!

Tomorrow, my cuz Sabrina is hosting a Mary Kay party. I get to be all girly. Woo. Sunday I'm going to go see Fancie, Bob, and my Armando do their thing at the Wind Ensemble concert!!!! :D I might take Mr. Richard because he's so cool and hip and...er...Richard like. :p hehe

I had a massive headache and I'm extreamly tired so now I want to go to take some asperin and go to sleep until I have to go to my cuz's casa. :p I'm only looking forward to the food because my auntie always has the best grub for parties and stuff! ;P And we get to get away from my dad. Ever since he lost his job, it never fails, every day (and I mean EVERY DAY) they get in a shouting match and my mom keeps holding in everything he says to her. It sucks and I love my mom. I don't see why she doesn't just leave him. *sigh* I love my mom and I feel like she deserves so much more than what she has. I wuv me moomy!!!!

My glowsticks are still activated, so I'll have a glowy night! Night!!!
So beautiful one
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