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2008-11-12 - 10:20 p.m.

I woke up at 7am this morning for no good reason at all, really. I figured I'd get ready really early so I wouldn't miss the unemployment interview call. I showered, did my make-up, hung out in a towel for a crazy long time LOL finally got dressed and when 10am reared it's head I was like why didn't they call? Cos they're going to call tomorrow >.< LOL One less thing on my mind.

After putting in gas, I was good to go on my trip. Going there was fucking scary cos my car has a heart attack when I go uphill and when I go over 70. I HAD NO CHOICE, STUPID KITTY CAR, RRAAWWWRRR! I finally got there and I was still about an hour and a half early so I chilled in my car at the Denny's down the road. After a while, I took off my belt (metal detector) and went to put my ID in my wallet...and found NO WALLET. I freaked the fuck out, thinking I left it home, getting really panicky and then I found it next to my make-up tin outside of my purse. I'd just thrown it in the chair after I put gas in, duuuhh.

I checked in an hour early, there was like NO parking, I was like WhY? ;__; I finally did what the old guy in front of me did and parked on the side of the driveway. Totally legit parking. I got my numero and waited what seemed like forever outside then waited what seemed like forever inside.

I saw him right away, we picked up our phones and talked about everything; his hair colour :p, my heart-attack having car (he said maybe I shouldn't come so far if my car breaks down :( heartbreak) my stretching my ears further (he pretended to leave!), how much we missed one another, plans for this weekend, the like. I told him some things that where hard to tell him, like he's not alone in this and that I'll wait for him. Sometimes it's really hard for me to tell someone things in my heart. I guess because I'm scared of rejection, though I know he wouldn't reject me, he's been so distant and robotic lately so I didn't get the reaction I thought I'd get but I know he appreciates me. Even looking at him, his mannerisms and whatnot, he wasn't warm or loving, but I know he had to be that way because his mindset is different where he is. But his eyes, oh...it was so hard for me to look in his eyes and tell him things I felt. This is why I write things I feel!!!! It's so much easier for me to write my deepest feelings! His eyes were warm, but his body and his words were not.

After I left, I wanted to cry and cry but I didn't, I drove and drove and went to Ontario Mills. I stopped by Hot Topic and Spencer's to get some piercings for my nose and eyebrow. :) I felt whole again with those things. I ate at the food court (rape for the wallet, joy) and walked the whole mall, looking at this and that, thinking of what I'd like to buy when I get money. I got a call from Saul to see if I came home okay but told him I was at the mall. We talked about his robotic behavior and he explained to me why he was like that and I understood. He told me that he loved me and that he missed me and I could hear it like he meant it and I cried a little on a bench. He said that when he gets out, we're going to go out a lot. :)I was so happy to hear that from him. He sounded so much warmer than he did in front of me but I wouldn't have traded seeing him in person for anything. I want to tell him things will be different when he comes out, that things will be better. But I'll show him better.

After I left the mall, I went to Han's and got some more hair dye. I came home and served my dad dinner. Mom came home and tried to microwave her dinner but to our sadness our microwave (after over 23 years!!!!) dies. :p After dad and I went to the track, we went to Target to price microwaves and so I could print out pictures to give to Saul. :) <3 After I came home again, Kevin came by during his lunch, tried to explain Sudoku to my mom and molested the Squeaky Toy. We made plans to hang out tomorrow for lunch and stuff, I was like fo' sho'! :p I'm listening to Bjork now, excited about this weekend, excited about everything right now. I feel like I want to cry and laugh at the same time. OMG...I'm loosing it :p

Here's to what may come...


I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe again with you

past rants - future ramblings

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