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2004-04-20 - 12:16 a.m.

Today wasn't horribly eventful. I waited for Torrid to call and they didn't, but Melindy told me (much later) that they would start to call people tomorrow. ::shock:: I hope they call me for a second interview. I hope I hope I hope.

I took a shower pretty late in the day because we were all going to go out for dad's birthday (He's 52 and he's OLD!!! LOL ;) ) and when I came out, you know who I saw? Tonzy!!! Yay! He was there when I came out and I'm glad I had the sense to not come out in a towel! (I don't think I would have anyhow seeing how Little Luis and Videl were there already. Videl had a very sexy bondage choker with leash around his neck. ;) And Little Luis said that he wanted a girlfriend. Whoever he gets is going to have a wild time :wink: )

We hung out and we talked and listened to Modest Mouse which is a TOTALLY KICK-ASS BAND!!! Go buy the new album!!!!! Then he left. I missed him.

We went to our usual place to go eat at birthdays, Sizzler, and Koda came with us. We ate, but I cut back because I want to loose a few pounds before I get into my prom dress. (And if you saw my prom dress, you'd understand.) ;) Then we went to the pet store to see what we could do about the fleas on the baby cats.

Then I came home and Tonzy called. I seriously and in love with that guy. I can't help it! He's everything a gal wants: intelligent, handsome, understanding, funny as hell, musical, affectionate, creative... he's just perfect. (But not for moi :sniff:) Anyway, he'd been talking about his girlfriend and his little things that get him mad about her. It seems like the big thing is affection. I wish he and I were together because Sauce told him a long time ago that me and Tonzy were perfect for eachother and because we compliment eachother. I guess it wasn't ment to be, at least for right now anyway. The funny thing is he used to like me and he thought I was pretty, and I would have like to know that back then because I always though that I was ugly back then. I don't know. All I do know for sure is that I need to take more chances as they come because this is the second time that I could have been with someone and I didn't act on it....


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