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2003-05-09 - 10:51 a.m.

OK, so I'm working on redoing my websight. (it's http//:www.geocities.com/sweet_jane258 so copy it into your web browser and go there now!!!!) When I was rewriting stuff, I happen to be working on the ex-boyfriend page and Don's step-brother is on that page. He was reading the story and saw the rating out of 10 he got (10 being "I miss him sooo much") and Don was like, "Hey, why don't you call him?" and I explained to him that I was scared. But he told me that he'll give me his phone number anyway to call him and say what's up. I think he liked the fact that I was with him and that I'm an OK person to be with. I don't know. The whole getting into an ex still scares me, especially him. (RRLR, I call him) But at the same time I miss him so much I want to know what's become of him for the past few months. I miss him so much. It's incredible how much I miss him. But at the same time, I really like his step-brother!!! God, I didn't really think about how much I missed RRLR until Don pointed out that I miss him so much still. Shit. And I'm so in like with Don that I get flustered and shy around him, not at all like when I'm around Jared. It's different for some reason. I don't know why. I feel so wierd I guess because of the past history with Don and his step-brother. I havn't got a clue. Shit. http://www.geocities.com/sweet_jane258

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